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Course of Temptation 0.5 Poll

  • The ability to officially date someone 81
  • NPCs who are already in relationships themselves 40
  • NPCs who are poly, asexual, aromantic, and more 26
  • Events related to cheating (you cheating on partner or getting an NPC to cheat) 56
  • Dom/sub type relationships 69
  • Not just romance, but also progression in friend/rival/FWB relationships 78
  • Giving and receiving gifts 19
  • New date/hangout activity: Gym hangout 35
  • New date/hangout activity: Library/study hangout 38
  • New date/hangout activity: Shopping 18
  • New date/hangout activity: A restaurant that requires formal dress 26
  • New date/hangout activity: Arcade hangout 21
  • Character focus: The roommate and their partner 72
  • Character focus: The cheer captain and the quarterback 32
  • Character focus: Your relationship with your BFF 79
  • 2024-01-31
  • 690 votes
{'title': 'Course of Temptation 0.5 Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'The ability to officially date someone', 'votes': 81}, {'text': 'NPCs who are already in relationships themselves', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'NPCs who are poly, asexual, aromantic, and more', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'Events related to cheating (you cheating on partner or getting an NPC to cheat)', 'votes': 56}, {'text': 'Dom/sub type relationships', 'votes': 69}, {'text': 'Not just romance, but also progression in friend/rival/FWB relationships', 'votes': 78}, {'text': 'Giving and receiving gifts', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'New date/hangout activity: Gym hangout', 'votes': 35}, {'text': 'New date/hangout activity: Library/study hangout', 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'New date/hangout activity: Shopping', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'New date/hangout activity: A restaurant that requires formal dress', 'votes': 26}, {'text': 'New date/hangout activity: Arcade hangout', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Character focus: The roommate and their partner', 'votes': 72}, {'text': 'Character focus: The cheer captain and the quarterback', 'votes': 32}, {'text': 'Character focus: Your relationship with your BFF', 'votes': 79}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 31, 20, 1, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 690}


First of all... we're going to keep early access rolling a bit longer, but we've updated the version to 0.4.14, addressing the issues reported so far. We've changed some core systems with this update and we want to be sure everything is working as smoothly as possible before a wider release.

You can update your version on the early access itch.io page.

But now it's time to look ahead! As you know if you've been here a while, what I usually do is pick out a few roadmap items that I think would be good for the game at the given point in time and leave the final selection to a poll. I think that's a good practice and I intend to keep doing it, but... I think this time should be a little different.

There is one roadmap item that is the most in demand, the one mentioned the most in suggestions, that would change how NPCs relate to you and require some core changes that will only get harder to apply as time goes on.

In other words, the sooner we get going on it, the better it'll be for the game! And certainly a lot of people want it. This should be a shorter update than the last two major ones, as it's mostly an overhaul of game mechanics, and while of course there will be new events, it won't be story-heavy in the way that 0.4 was.

And that thing is... relationships.

What I envision is some light dating sim kinda mechanics, where you're not just grinding a romance bar but passing milestones. The first date, third date, giving or receiving a special gift, talking about and defining your relationship... all these things will be important.

Right now, your relationship with an NPC is mostly abstracted based on their attitude bars and what they want from you... but these mechanics would give you the ability to define how you relate to an NPC, make it official and something that the game can react to. Choose your own friends, your own rivals, and hey, maybe even date somebody officially.

I'll go over these ideas in more detail in the next dev diary, but in the meantime, what I'd like from you is to know what exactly you'd most want from a relationships update. The results will tell me what to prioritize and give the most attention to. Select as many as you like. If you have your own ideas, by all means let me know!



Yeah, I like that idea. I like the idea of serious relationships requiring some effort to maintain, and I really like the idea of them possibly turning into assholes or cheaters to add some extra drama, or just give you a good excuse to dump them. The thing about romances in this sort of game is that no matter how interesting the relationship mechanics are, sooner or later you run out of events and just want to go back to slutting around. Most game romances I've seen involve building the relationship up to a certain number and then the partner is eternally loyal, so then all the onus is on the player to either cheat or break up, or just ignore them and do your own thing and they're usually still waiting for you after months of neglect.


That is a very good point! And I agree, a pitfall to avoid


i guess its already covered in dom/sub relationships but id like there to be an option to customize the wardrobe of the partner (decide outfits, forbid or take away clothing) also, with enough dom, an option to become the school bully might be nice


There's a little bullying content! If you pick those options when you can, you'll eventually unlock the Bully inclination, which gives you access to a few extra things (and stops you from getting bullied so much yourself)