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Hello friends! This will, most likely, be the last dev diary before the January update is released. I aim to deliver it by the end of the month.

This week, I focused first on toys. There was a certain conundrum with the long distance app-controlled toys, in that only a couple of them were wearable (and therefore plausibly used in streams and other fun scenes) while it was hard to think of a consistent use for the non-wearable app-controlled toys.

After some discussion in the dev channel, I decided I would just make the non-wearable ones usable on stream too, which is as big of a use case as any of them had before. The wearable, stealthier ones have some additional events now:

You can now head into most restrooms and add or remove wearable toys throughout the day. When they're worn, events about them will pop up here and there. If you're wearing an app-controlled toy and your Disinhibition is high enough, you might even want to start with a visit to Elkbook...

My next big focus was on reputation and rumors, and fleshing these things out a bit more. Previously, when an NPC heard a rumor, the worst it would do is mildly shift their attitude about you. But now, an NPC's memory of the sorts of rumors they've heard about you (or things they've witnessed themselves) is tracked separately, similarly to attitudes, which can affect how much they like you as well as contribute to your overall reputation.

You'll gain a reputation for things like exhibitionism and promiscuity, but I also added in kindness, meanness, and studiousness. These can have interesting effects... for example, if you have a reputation for meanness, NPCs who tend to be mean will actually treat you better. More reputation types can be added easily as the game expands.

Gaining a reputation in certain areas will also lead to new events:

There are a couple more things I need to finish up, but for the most part, it's now time to halt adding new features and focus on playtesting up until release.

A lot of stuff has been added or adjusted, but this is still technically a minor update — in that we haven't tackled any major roadmap items. I'll be aiming to do one of these updates each month, but smaller ones, as from now on I'll be dividing my time between extending existing systems and working on major roadmap items (which tend to take more than one month).

So, within the next week, look out for an announcement about this update. Most likely scenario is it gets released on the 31st, to give me the maximum time for playtesting while hitting the end of the month goal. I'll post it both here (with release notes) and on Discord.

Also coming up, we have to decide what 0.5 will focus on. Based on the volume of suggestions, it seems like it should probably be adding official relationship statuses and mechanics regarding those... but I will probably put up a poll within the next few days to help with that decision.

So, that's all for now! Thank you all for your generous support and allowing me to do this! See you soon!


Nick Golden

Great stuff! Hopefully we can earn a reputation for being “pure” or a “prude” too or something?


Yes! Somehow I forgot to mention that one. I call it "reservedness" but yes, it basically means everybody thinks you're a cold fish :)


Is there a way to see penis size in memories outside of voyeurism? If not it's kinda silly not remembering how big a dudes dick was if you fucked. Thanks for the game and looking forward to future updates!