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The tenth dev diary! It already feels like this game has been out for ages but it's only been two months.

This week, I made progress on encounters and on major 0.3 milestones.

Encounters 2.0

While I had listed work on the encounter system as the weekend project, I decided to see it through and kept working on it into Tuesday. The system is now much more responsive to you, so that if you want to take the lead, most partners will let you. And if they don't want to let you because of a particular inclination, it acknowledges the conflict.

I also added sex toys, which unlocks many more possibilities during encounters and will allow for more varied events during camsite streaming. We're starting with these:

I'm particularly excited about the app-controlled toys at the bottom and I have some stuff in mind for those.


Elkbook is the campus social media site and was the other major thing I wanted to get done last week... which I did! Before any character thinks to take up streaming, Elkbook is likely to be their introduction to social media within the game and how other characters might react to what you do online.

You can also post selfies, with all that entails, and there are a couple of new events related to that. In general, posting on Elkbook is a good way to slightly shift the attitudes of a whole bunch of students at once. It's somewhat down to luck which students notice your posts before they scroll off the timeline (or get deleted, if you were particularly brazen), but it does tend to prioritize people you already have some sort of established relationship with.

As future plotlines develop, Elkbook is likely to be the heart of the campus rumor mill and the main avenue by which things spread around campus, whether you want them to or not!

Progress on 0.3

With Elkbook checked off, that along with the two types of streaming completes the major components that were my goal for 0.3. That means we're down to the end of it, and I'm probably going to release 0.3 in about a week.

In that time, I need to test, polish, balance, and add some more events that were not strictly necessary but have been on my wishlist—like ones to do with the new sex toys, hot tub streams that skirt the PG site's ToS, and maybe a certain library scene. It depends on how much time things take. Mostly I need to playtest, though. For example, I suspect, given how camsite streaming is structured, I may need each round to happen twice as fast for half the pay, but that sort of change isn't actually that hard to do.

This will probably also be the first release that patrons like yourself get early. All along I've stated that newer, more experimental builds might be found here, but with a freshly released game, delaying builds that contain bugfixes would only have been counterproductive. But the public build is in quite a stable state now, so I think it's better if brand new content is first experienced by people with the means to DM me here or reach me on Discord with any issues they see—not to mention people who have been generous enough to support me and this project in these early days.

Patrons will probably have it exclusively for around a week, and I'll spend that time bugfixing and polishing, preparing a public build that has the rough edges smoothed out. Of course, all these plans are subject to change.

Well, that's all for now. Time to do a little playtesting and see about that camsite streaming balance. 0.3 is close! Until next time!



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