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The giant "here's what I need to do to launch" todo list is all checked off, the first public version is out and (27 iterations later) pretty thoroughly playtested and polished up.

Time to think about our first few content updates.

I have several specific areas where I think it's a priority to add content. Within the next couple weeks, I plan to get feedback from playtesters and Patrons about where I should focus first, whether it's these ideas or something else completely. In the meantime, I'm going to list them out here as a sort of project roadmap.

Important to note: even if some of these possibilities sound mundane, they will all have some sexy events attached, so don't worry about that. It's an "adult life simulator" and we never forget the "adult"!

Your BFF's dorm

This one is a freebie because I'm going to start on it right after I finish this post. To help with your Attention and Relaxation needs, as well as provide some fun and hot scenes, you should be able to chill with your BFF in the evening. With the prologue scenes and the quad party plotline, this will make your BFF the first really fleshed-out relationship in the game.

Interactions with professors

"I'll do anything for a better grade!" is a classic for a reason. But even besides that, you should get more interactions with your teachers. Seeing them after class, office hours, helping them out with things, and so on. It can be a fun and dynamic way to improve your grades besides just grinding away at studying.

Class events phase one: a miniplot or event set for each Block C class

Eventually I'll want unique content for each Block C and Block D class (these are the third and fourth courses you pick) as well as for every major (covering blocks A and B). Obviously that's a lotta work, so I'll take it in stages. First up, I have ideas written down for every Block C class, so I can start filling these out. They may end up being spread over multiple updates depending on how long each event set takes to write.

Friday afternoon sports and activities

You might have noticed that your school day ends on Friday at 11am. This is temporary! I'm saving that afternoon space for activities not based in a classroom: swimming, football, cheerleading, track, computer club, esports... not totally sure what the final complete list will be, but you get the idea. You'll pick an activity like a fifth course and get unique events related to it.

Working at the River Rat

I want to add a bartending/waiter job to the River Rat. I have very specific ideas for this, and it's likely to involve a longer term plotline with two branches and a whole lot of new events. It'll help provide skill raises for Exhibitionism, Disinhibition, Submission and/or Dominance, which are all very needed. Left to my own devices, this is probably the next thing I'd tackle.

Dates and hangouts with NPCs

Currently you can't do a whole lot with NPCs besides end up in a bedroom (or at least a restroom stall) with them. There's also a romance relationship type which has received a little attention but is mostly just a stub. I'd like to change this and let you develop longer term relationships, whether friendship or something more. I would probably develop it as a few different hangout/date types: see a movie, eat out, hang out in dorm, etc., with an event set attached to each.

Student tutor

I'd like to implement a student tutor program, whether you get tutoring yourself (with fun and sexy events) or tutor others. My original idea was for one longer term tutoring plotline, but a playtester had an idea for a more dynamic experience with tutoring several students that I also like. I might combine these ideas.

Greek house party

This will follow on from the quad party (that Party Popularity stat was building toward something!). It'll be a somewhat similar experience but definitely more intense, using higher levels of Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, and Disinhibition, and involve some older students. Sort of a level up. This will probably eventually lead into the possibility of pledging to a Greek house, which I don't have immediate plans for but it's definitely on the "someday" list. 

Weather, seasons, temperature, and seasonal events

Currently you can wear a tank top and shorts year round and be fine. But temperature could do some cool things: get you into skimpier clothes in warm weather and perk the nips when it gets chilly. Also, attached to this, some holidays would be fun: homecoming, dressing up for halloween, and so on.

After school events

When I play, I find I'm usually done studying by 6 or 7pm and then there's a bit of a gap before bedtime. I can put in a couple hours at work or head down to the arcade, and that's fine, but it'd be nice to have more stuff on campus to fill in these hours. Impromptu parties in a dorm room or the lounge, movie nights, trivia contests, and so on.

Social media

This is a big one and might stretch over a few updates as it would change the game significantly (greatly expanding on the rumor system) and probably come with a couple plotlines. Naturally social media, texting, sharing pics, etc. should play a big part in an adult college game, so I'd like to get this into the game soonish. Going along with that, I'd like to add streamer jobs, of both the PG and X-rated variety.

Got a better idea? Join the discord and tell me! I'll also be posting polls about where I should focus next right here on Patreon once it makes sense to do so.


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