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Patreon James Wilson joins James for an open and honest conversation about the relationship between FPL and mental health.

Includes tips on time management and avoiding negative influences, the addictiveness of the game but balanced with the positive benefits and joy that many find from FPL.

For anyone that is affected by the Podcast and wants to reach out, either publicly on privately please don't hesitate to reach out. It's ok not to be ok 💚


James Wilson

Thanks for having me 🙏😀

David Roe

It's different for you James, Because it's your job. You might work too hard but a lot of us have it as the last thing on our mind and we have other jobs we should be thinking about. Great pod.


Thank you, and of course, we are all different and all have our own individual circumstances

Sam Robertson (@FPLZissou)

Great podcast - really made me reflect on my “obsession” with FPL. Oddly, it’s made me enjoy the football a lot less in recent years, but Planet FPL’s focus on THE FOOTBALL is where I’ve been getting the most joy - thanks yall!

David Hunter

Late to this one but just listened to this on a walk this morning. I think I'm generally pretty good in terms of my relationship with FPL but that's not to say I don't think about it too much at certain times. Really good discussion James/James.