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It's the year 3024 and you recently came back to your home planet of earth on a business trip. As a young leader paving the way for those living on Mars you've got quite the busy schedule. It's a late and rainy night when you hear a knock at the door. It's none other than your dutiful maid with tea to soothe you after a long day. What's more is that she even offers to read you a story before bed~

Happy Friday everyone, I hope this audio starts you off to a cozy weekend :) I've always wanted to do a reading for you all, so I really enjoyed myself with this one. I tried really hard to set the mood but as someone who has a slight stuttering problem some of these old words and way of talking...need I say more? xD Reading it in your head and out loud are very much different experiences for me lol. Either way I hope you find it relaxing ^_^

While I know it's obvious, I want to just put in the description that this is a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. I was very happy to find out it was in the public domain so I could read it without worry!



Very nice audio today Ali, I do like listening to others read poetry instead of reading it myself, but I blame that on my English Lit GCSEs lol, I did not want to do the poem set we got, because the other set was totally up my alley. (Keen eyed Brit amongst us may be able to know what I'm on about) I'll admit I'm no poem buff, but the other set I knew most of the poems for already!


It took me a while to get into having stories read to me. I always liked reading them to myself more, but I've heard some really good poem readings and always wanted to try it out! I think there's something about reading to myself that lets me absorb what's going on better, but I'm sure that's different depending on the person! I'm going to be honest with you, I'm not sure what GCSEs are. I looked it up and I'm still not entirely sure what it is. I'm thinking they may be like our SATs here in the states but I'm probably wrong about that. Sorry, I'm sure that sounds silly to ask but I'm curious now!

Secular Succotash

You say you have a slight stuttering problem but you wouldn’t know it from this reading, you killed it! Honestly that line, “leave my loneliness unbroken” is probably the most cutting. Especially cause you have the image of Poe shrieking it desperately. Honestly that whole second to last stanza is my favorite part, it really sells the desperation and despair he’s feeling. I’d still say my favorite Poe writing is “The Tell-Tale Heart” though, but I haven’t read it in years


Thanks Succotash, I really appreciate that! My stuttering might come off a little more in my rambles since I don't edit or cut those usually (unless there's a loud sound or something haha!). Reading this did take a few times though because of that but I'm glad it turned out ^_^ That's funny you brought up Tell Tale Heart because that was the first thing I read by him! As an angsty teen I remember the Good Charlotte song "My Bloody Valentine" mentioning it and thought it was so cool back then lmao. Not sure if you've read it but "The Cask of Amontillado" is another good one!