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Hello everyone! Iā€™m finally home and able to post one of my rambles :) I wanted to give a big thank you for all your sweet comments during my travels. I was only able to use my phone at the time but it was so nice seeing all your kind messages so really, thank you for that ā¤ļø

This ramble is one I recorded a while ago but never posted- my intention was to post it during my move lol. I hope you still enjoy the topic though or find it nice background sound. Iā€™m slowly getting to comments and working on my next few roleplays. Thereā€™s lots to catch up on but Iā€™m looking forward to it!

As I was re-listening to this I chuckled to myself because I recently had a chat with one of you regarding a band that I canā€™t listen to anymore because of similar reasons I talked about haha! Even Iā€™m unable to conquer the separation of art/artists sometimes. For reference I canā€™t listen to Nickleback ever since their jab at Slipknot a few years back xD


Secular Succotash

I actually love kind of talks like this, itā€™s the kinda stuff I talk about with friends IRL. Honestly I think some people just canā€™t seem to separate fiction from reality because theyā€™ve become so invested in their online lives that they no longer know how to consume media with any sort of discernment. Take comedy for example, most comedians use offensive language and subjects to catch the audience off guard and make them laugh, but do they mean half the things they say literally? Of course not! But people take offense and stop at nothing to destroy their careers because they couldnā€™t take a joke. I think parasocial fans are another consequence of this inability to separate art from artist or character from person, ESPECIALLY with VTubers and ASMR roleplay creators. People will interact with a creator and assume that means they have a personal connection with them, because ALL of their interactions are online. They forget that the creator is still a complete stranger, and just because their interactions are friendly, that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re actually friends. So as sad as it is, Iā€™m honestly really not surprised that someone took legitimate offense to your yandere character. They assume that because you created that art/strory, that means you must agree with it, because theyā€™ve lost the ability to distinguish a creation from the creator. Even though itā€™s very obvious to see that your intent isnā€™t to portray a normal healthy relationship, itā€™s to make an entertaining story (I mean come on itā€™s an anime ASMR roleplay for crying out loud) Itā€™s sad because that kind of mentality has really made censorship go too far like you said, to the point where I feel some people are afraid to create things because of what others will assume about them personally. People seem to have forgotten that if they donā€™t like something, they can just not engage with it and move on. I do think lewd art gets it the worst of all. Like yeah there is some WEIRD stuff out there that grosses me out personally, but do I assume that what people like in fiction is what they want IRL and go out of my way to insult and ridicule people for their niche interests? Of course not. I just avoid that content and let it be (like a well adjusted adult yā€™know?) So long as what theyā€™re doing doesnā€™t hurt anyone, why would I care what they do?


Iā€™m glad you enjoyed it Succotash! I really like discussions and topics like this so it was really cool reading what you thought too :) I agree 100% with everything you said. As someone who likes some weird stuff I always think itā€™s silly when people judge based on fiction. I mean come on, just because I like gore/guro content that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™d do that stuff in real life! lol. Iā€™m a pretty big supporter of not censoring (unless itā€™s to protect people of course). But for my own reasons I like to create as a means of stress relief, story telling, etc. Iā€™m sure the same goes for a lot of comedians. Love standup btw haha! For those reasons I think itā€™s important to let people create without worrying about who it will offend or what ā€œrulesā€ they will break. If someone doesnā€™t like it they can move on- thereā€™s plenty of other content to consume on the internet :P


I just realized that I completely forgot to post a comment on this after watching it lol. I don't really change much for most mediums when I find out something bad about them. Unless it's really bad, I remember reading a news story about a singer of a band that was molesting children in their fan base. I don't think I could ever listen to the music of someone again in that scenario. However I still will listen to people like DMX who is a massive scum bag, but listening to their music doesn't make me feel bad. I'm sorry to hear about those comments though, I know that with youtubers/streamers people can be a little unhinged due to the medium being a little more personal. Also speaking of that, I will stop watching youtubers/streamers more easily than most other mediums because it is so personal. Like if I found out a streamer cheated on their spouse, I would instantly stop watching them lol. It's not THAT bad of a thing to do on like the overall like scale of horrible shit but it would ruin my view of their content forever.


Iā€™m pretty much the same when it comes to certain things like you mentioned. I brought this up to someone else but there was a band member that was doing some really bad stuff via their platform so I completely stopped listening to them altogether. To be honest their music wasnā€™t that good anyway looking back. Based on what you said I wouldnā€™t be surprised if we were talking about the same singer. I get the YouTuber/streamer thing too! I think the personal involvement and the way their content is consumed changes the dynamic a bit for me. For example, I can read a book or watch a movie by someone who could be a piece of shit and not generally care. I think it may be because they arenā€™t as involved with their fans as streamers are.