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Hey everybody!

For those of you who can't join us live, in person, in Los Angeles, you're in luck! Because you CAN join us live on Internet on the day of the event! Once again, livestream tickets are $2.99 plus processing fees and once you purchase your livestream ticket, you will have access to the link to watch the stream during or up to 24(ish) hours after the event. You will receive the link to view via email day of.

Stream starts at 2:00PM PT on Saturday March 23rd! Get your tickets here! 

As always, any patron at the $10+ Tier will have access to the livestream at no additional charge. The link will be shared on the day of the event and will remain active for 24 hours thereafter.

Hope to "see" you all there!





bought my live stream ticket about a minute after Kristian announced it on Collider Live last week - thank you for adding the paypall option - my first ever live stream


Just bought mine, can’t wait. Might be my favorite PPV of the year, the unpredictability is very exciting


The price is a bargain. This event is going to be stellar.




You may want to change the headline for this post. "For 4 All III" should be "Free 4 All III", I assume.


Upgrading to the 10 dollar patreon! Wont be able to watch it until the next day so hopefully it stays up a lil late again. Can't wait!


Definitely going to buy a ticket, just concerned that the service fee is more than double the ticket price. I know you guys don’t control that, but it might be worth looking into with the ticketing service.


Why change providers since this one's service fees are $3.70 instead of the old one that was $.99? I'm not complaining I'm actually curious. It just took me by surprise when I expected it to be $4 and it was $7.

Oliver Gehrmann

I'm in one of the higher tiers, so I don't need to buy this. I just want to second that a service fee that is higher than the event price is a bit weird. Please look into this, I want this to be available to as many people as possible so the Schmoedown can continue to grow. Thanks for all your hard work! :)


Why are you still using the poster that says 35? I know a new one was made that said 40