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SPOILER POST:Thoughts on the cut scenes from this week? Favorites, thoughts?


Steven Stark

Ready to meet Stacy's partner...


I loved the last bit incorporating Inside Schmoedown. The production of Schmoedown improves with every episode. This season is unreal. Every video is must watch and I feel the cut scenes are helping the rookie videos where I am less invested in personalities that I am unfamiliar with but the stories being so compelling help amp me up for the matches.


The potential win streak could lead Stacy to a title shot. Long term booking.


I thought it was a really creative way to communicate to us. The cutscenes have gone up a level this season. Even little details like ghai wispering in Emma's ear when the Bateman/dagnino/ghai/Burnet match was set up and we come to find out later that he was telling her his real partner. But it was left as a cliffhanger that really payed off.


They are creative and very well done. It says something about the Schmoedown, when little interactions between personalities like Drew and Samm are really captivating. Other ones like Drew and Burnett help us get a better look at the reasons behind some of the things happening in the story. This gets us more invested and makes us glad we're fans and patrons. Keep up the great work.


More grace and roxy please


I was ready for earrings and shoes to come off when Roxy confronted Grace in the parking lot! These two are going to be 🔥 this season!

Tobias Wallbaum

Again someone has dirt on the one in the lead? (First Thadd now Kristian?)


I'm loving the cut scenes. The rivalry they're building up with Roxy and Grace is going to be so much fun. I'm wondering how they're going to settle it?


I think that was a joke. It was about something he does in the shower.


More Roxy. Obviously more Grace but definitely Roxy. Her enthusiasm is infectious and her acting made me smile.


Also digging the slow simmering Mt Vesuvius that is McWeeney.


I love the cut scenes. This week the Robert Meyer Burnett Drew McWeeney one was especialy good. I love the dynamic of those two. The only criticism I have is that sometimes the audio quality in these cut scenes is realy bad. So a better mic setup could help. But that’s nitpicking and because I’m a flimmaker I‘m probably more critical of stuff like that. But I realey love the cut scenes. They add a nice flavor to the Schmoedown.


My take away from the cut scenes or that the people in them portraying the characters come off very genuine and not forced. Backspace button double tap the enter button double tap to activate settings button, button double tap


My friend couldn't get into Schmoedown until I told him to watch the cut scenes. He told me he now watches until the end every time because the cut scenes have got him so much more into the stories.

Oliver Gehrmann

Another big fan of the cut scenes here. I love when we get storylines that slowly develop over a longer period of time. So the Grace vs. Roxy stuff or everything that RMB and Ghai are doing / cooking up is most interesting for me. I think it would be great to have more storylines going on at the same time. You're already hinting at that because on top of the stuff mentioned above, we also get the KOrruption team meeting. I really like this, when it looks like the Schmoedown is full of life and all the competitors are thinking about their next steps. My favorite scene has to be seeing how tortured Drew McWeeny is; it's not like he _wanted to_ be a bad boy, it's just he wants to be successful and he thinks this is the way to go. I enjoy this angle a lot, as I'm somehow rooting for him despite him aligning with some truly despicable people. ^^


I've mentioned this before but they really need to add a best cut scene/ interview category at the year end awards. People really need to get some recognition for the great work they do in these, especially Jenn Sterger in the interview segments.


Camera work during the Korruption team meeting one could use some work. But in general, I liked the look and feel of these ones. Less polished, which I dug.