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As usual, as per tradition, I'm continuing my devlog.

This platformer seems to fascinate me more and more. Every time I return to development, I feel like I'm discovering new possibilities of the new game engine. Despite the fact that the new engine is still more difficult than the old one, it's very easy to learn. I hope that the possibilities of this engine will help me to add some interesting features to the game.

I try to devote as much time as possible to the development of my games.

I get a lot of angry messages on my e-mail helengiantesspost@gmail.com, in which people reproach me that the development is too slow. I read all the messages. I respond to most of them when I have time. And it would seem that I should be used to the haters... But I get sad every time I read an angry post. After all, I've talked about my life situation many times in my past posts. And I've said each time that I'm doing the best I can. But unfortunately, my energy is not limitless.

This weekend, I added additional decorations to the levels I've already created. I think it turned out quite well. The level platforms don't look boring anymore, in my opinion. What do you think?

Let me remind that I changed the platform tiles, as there could be copyright problems with the old images of the tiles. Most likely, the old tiles could only be used with the old engine. Unfortunately I couldn't verify this as IFAction (old engine) support hasn't responded for a long time. To be on the safe side, I decided not to take any chances and to use on the new engine the other tiles I bought earlier. But I can't insert the new tiles as is, as they are made as high resolution images. I have to spend some to adapt the new images.

Now I need to add destructible objects (crates, boxes, etc.) to the levels, for the destruction of which the player will get points. The end of the game will depend on the number of points gained.

After that I need to add the two remaining enemy types for the first level.

It is too early to make a demo version, on this engine, as the demo version should have the same look as the final game. There is a demo version on the old engine, but unfortunately, for some reason unknown to me, this version doesn't run for everyone.

Well, the working build of the game is available for paid subscribers.




Just take your time. Better slow but steady progress than rapid bursts with massive gaps between them.