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More details on this blog post.

We are conducting a demographics survey this week. Please fill it out at this link!

Also, the update post contains the results of the art poll, so go look at that!

If you're eager to get at the public prototype, here are download links: (Mediafire) (Mega.nz)

Also, if you're a returning player and lost your previous saves, Aaaac has provided a pack of savefiles you can use to skip to where you were. (Mediafire) (Mega.nz)

There will be a poll next week asking you what you thought of chapter 5 overall. Look forward to that. Me? I'm going to go collapse in exhaustion.

Edit: We are also doing a demographics survey to find out more about people who play this silly video game we make. You can take it here, please fill it out if you have time.



So the available chapters are 1 and five? Two, three, and four aren't out yet?


Just replayed chapter 1 (because apparently even if you have 3 backups, you can still lose the saves and using someone else's is for the weak) and finish 5, and hooooly shit can you stop playing with my feelings like that. And my sleep schedule. I'm blaming you and you alone for this one. Seriously tho, this game deserves to be much MUCH more popular.