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That's the old and good backup method for STEAM users of GTA 5 to keep using mods until new ScripthookV comes out.

This is the .exe backup only (worked for me and others):
This is the full backup:
Extract to game folder replacing previous files
Don't try case your game isn't STEAM version




can anyone help on how to do this pls


Can we please get a better explanation than this?


Hey, my game won't start at all. Saying Scripthookv critical error... I noticed my game did some update lately.. What do I do ? How do I fix it? Can you help please??


Unfortunately we must wait until ScripthookV gets updated in a few days or more (hopefully not more than a week), but for now I'm just using visual mods since they don't rely on ScripthookV


You must completely Uninstall ScripthookV by removing the 2 files from the GTAV directory, luckily it's amazingly easy to reinstall when it's updated. My game is running now immediately after deleting the files from the Grand Theft Auto V folder


Thanks a lot Jason. I'll get to work I guess. I have a lot to do. LOL. Have a good one.


Ooooh.. you got a lot of mods, eh? 😬 May be smarter to save them elsewhere, delete OpenIV and re-download the game and other mods.. as long as you don't install the broken version of ScripthookV, your mods won't be activated or affect your game I think.


Game just updated and Scripthook isn’t working for non-steam users now

pantelis charalambous

Julio any idea how to deal with the Controls conflict issue ?


??? its just extract and replace, you want a explanation about what else?


that one that shows a message when game starts? unfortunately no, but scripthookv will be updated soon


Would your fix work for Car mods too? When it went outdated, none of my cars worked.


Apologies. I'm still new to how all this works but I have successfully been able to do these things when told how.


thats probably related to update.rpf, if you replace yours in mods\update folder, you will lose entries in dlclist.xml or other files required for car mods


so if I just replace my updated GTA5.exe with the backup and have the old (current) ScripthookV in the directory everything should be fine? temp of course and I do have steam version

Tenzin Toh

i got no problem wit i's it working.


Worked for me. Thanks Julio!


Poxa fiz o passo a passo da instalação, mas sempre que termino aparece erro fatal no scripthookv se nao instalo os mod julionib ele funciona normalmente. Alguém ja tem uma solução ?


q passo a passo? vc só tem q substituir o .exe na pasta do jogo pra usar os mods até q saia update do scripthookv, isso se sua versão for steam...


Obrigado pelo pronto retorno. Meu gtav é pelo rockstar launcher - Fiz esse passo a passo para jogar com o mod do ironman. 0:00​ Intro 0:09​ Step 1 - Download files 0:19​ Step 2 - ScriptHookV 0:51​ Step 3 - NIBShDotNet and NIBMods Menu 1:28​ Step 4 - Install the mod 2:06​ Step 5 - Install props package 2:29​ Step 6 - Install Object Spawn Unlocker 3:01​ Step 7 - Install a suit (Ped model)


Desculpe minha ignorância, mas realmente não sei se fiz algo errado. Mas eu intalei o hookv e meenyou funcionou normalmente, quando coloco os arquivos oiv sempre dá erro fatal no hookv, eu preciso esperar uma atualização é isso ?


é q este post é sobre atualização do jogo e scripthookv, não setup dos mods, o jogo atualizou esses dias, ainda não saiu update do scripthookv pra essa versão, se seu jogo for steam vc pod tentar o backup mencionado na descrição desse post (o arquivo .exe)


perfeito. Obrigado pelo retorno, ótima semana pra ti.