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Today my warrior Zotac GTX 760 died of unknown causes. Windows simple can't start anymore with the VGA drivers enabled, tested in another PC and result was the same. Also i noticed there is a loose plastic piece inside 0.o

This will delay a little my HULK v2 mod development because i need to buy another VGA from internet because the prices here in my city are too high and my on-board VGA can't handle GTA V.

But soon as possible i will be back in my GTA V to create the mods you guys seems to love :)

R.I.P. honorable warrior, you rendered tons of good FPS in your ~3 years of life ^^




Noooo 😢 we gotta wait on the great return

Visual Gamer

Damn bro sorry to see this I hope you figure something out


Not to be funny but I think the Thanos mods killed it 0_o ...lol "all things are perfectly balanced as it should be"


You need GTX 1080TI or TITAN


Where are you?


R.I.P..now she is on the heaven with others VGA's. I have the 1080..i can suggest you this my friend


Dude I’m so sorry to hear. Without that VGA, we wouldn’t have The Flash mod Or Iron Man mod. Rest in Peace VGA. You made our lives better


Wow I use the same graphics card to run these beautiful mods as the one that created it. I hope you can get a new card soon, we all have your back.


I have a question on the overview you said I had to pledge once to use the mod I unleaded and now I cant use the mods, Please help,


Nevermind the last post for now I have pledged again but now I can not access the mods it wont login to the patreon it just loads on secondary server and does nothing, Please help

The Fastest Man Alive

same happened to me, it sucked specialy here in brazil where nothing is cheap, hope you will be ok


Sovngarde awaits


I paid 2 dollars, I downloaded the fashion of Thanos. I went into the game for confirmation, I pressed L, entered my login and password and ...You need to be a Patreon of JulioNIB Team to continue


If that, I'm from Ukraine)) So I hope everything is clear written


rip ;( he stood strong


That's bad man but I hope you get a much better graphics card, maybe a gtx 1070 ti or something along that brand.


this is probably related to firewall blocking the game, or you dont have internet connection. the login is required once, it allows you to use the released mod until the end of the pledge month


soon as possible, max 5 days that is the common time needed for shipping


where can I put the thanos mod


extract all files to gta Scripts folder, i will make a installation guide later today


when I install the Scripts it don't have a fooder


you need to create it after installing ScripthookV and ScripthookVDotNet