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First public release version is ready for download :)

Mod in use:


You also can have Patreon privileges paying via Paypal balance:

or, for brazilians, via PagSeguro:

Don't forget to download the ped model that i use in my videos, the mod goes with a sample suit file for that ped model (ThanosIW_big):

More info about the mod (Features, hotkeys, etc.):

If you need HELP, send MESSAGE, don't make comments/posts, its harder to find the comments, i miss some. Messages are listed one by one in a beautiful list :)

In this version i added the "Snap fingers" attack and the Enemy/Ally features, also made some fixes and improvements.

The script mod don't include suits, so, download and install one, the mod goes with a suit sample file for Thanos Infinity War model, there is a link in the suits subfolders.






faith :)


Awesome man. When's the hulk gonna be finished ;)


Boi, this is really your best mod. Transforming peds with reality, Portals that goes both ways (and AI/Peds can use them too), and this snap? Holy shit, i was scared when I couldnt spawn any more peds / destroyed half the universe. What are your future plans? Im very excited


Dope bro this shit 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Calvin DeVoe

Which version of GTA5 do you have?


thanos suit wont load for me =/ the mod works and everything just the suit wont show any help?


So if you go into the game, load the mod and do the patreon access in game, can I cancel my pledge?


Testing now, Superman vs Thanos, Goku vs Thanos...

Calvin DeVoe

The portals, black holes, and power beam don't appear...


I had the same problem before. I just updated my game to the latest version and it fixed it.


Can anyone send me $2 in my paypal account: s4nsuryadi@gmail.com I really need it for this mod. plz I'm desperate


You know you need to pay monthly and for it to work through PayPal you need to add a credit card to PayPal


Something that really annoyed me is that the slowmo affect shows a gold light and not a green one (the time stone is green) And maybe is it just me but there is no way to control where you open portals?


How can i create the portals ?

Hoàng Long Nguyễn Lê

do you continute to update Thanos mod? i just want physical activity is more than putting Thanos hand out, he have 5 same moves to putting hand out like create black hole, turn to stone, turn to water, turn to animals,.. i want he have a fire shoot moves and create black hole ( target attack have a big explosive) move like shoot power, i think thats make thanos better and look badass haha


The game crash after black hole or something massive (powers thingy)


how to make a portal?


The script mod don't include suits, so, download and install one, the mod goes with a suit sample file for Thanos Infinity War model, there is a link in the suits subfolders.


the slowmo is related to character "thinking speed", this is why mind stone glows, i will change to time stone, but isnt, as you can see, the character moves slow


only had game crashes after too much powers usage, like 30 minutes or more playing


julio, my map on the site is outdated, I want to update it, but I get an error that it has already been used, what to do?


i can't log in patreon on gta v


coloca mod grátis

The Fastest Man Alive

how do you teleport? and is there a way to cancel the black holes you do?

The Fastest Man Alive

just figered it out myself, but slowmo is still yellow that remains

dominic graf

hey are in the Thanos. Flash and Dragon ball mods no .ovi files? becaus the .NET fils don't work by me


can u create a vrnom mood


Hey man would it be possible to expand criminals V mod and add more immersive missions? A good example would be an army of aliens attacking the city or a hostage situation inside a building. Essentially utilizing your super hero mods in Los Santos.


It won’t let me log in


Thats the mind stone, its thought acceleration - in game feature


Idk how to cancel teleportals, but you make a marker on the map and you press T on the Purple circle. The controls is in the Thanos menu


I really dont mind Thanos spam. He needs more spam attacks. Make his basic punch more hulk like (stronger). Oh and try getting an AI through the portal, it works but sometimes if you teleport them far away - you will be sent flying. Also how to cancel portals?


.oiv is just a pack where .net files are, what openIV does is just copy the files for you and install models if necessary (in my mods at least), you just need to copy and paste the files from the zip to game scripts folder


tehre is no way to cancel at this moment, i will add a options to aim at a portal/black hole and remove it, the script automatically removes older blackhole/portal if the limit is reached, the limit is set in .ini file


Looks good. Maybe I should be a patron ;)


Is there no option to spawn him as an enemy?


ah, why people cant accept the idea that think faster is different from controlling time lapse lol i will add the time stone glow, but its incorrect


Julio tenho dinheiro em paypal como faço para enviar para vc só que não tenho cartão apenas dinheiro na conta ..vc tem um email para que eu possa enviar o pagamento?


Will Thanos and Hulk be bulletproof like superman?


i dont get the update for the wip ? so imma redownload?


spawning other people dont work and do spiderman and captain armierca next

TheIronicist (Mike Dewar)

Rats, tapped enter too soon. Great to have an enemy feature! I have been killed a lot now (the AI sure loves the meteor attack). Once or twice, I have had targeting lock on issues:both as thanos and when fighting. Worst was Superman who lost the ability to directly punch him. Someone else mentioned something similar: known glitch?

TheIronicist (Mike Dewar)

Also with ref to earlier comment, will you be able to add an option to finger snap a specific target only? I’ve been looking for a “disintegrate” option for a video idea for...reasons. Ideal would be a setting in options, kill only target, kill 50%, kill 100% and can change between,


hey how to pay with PayPal Balance?


I got all of the mod to work except the skin. I added them with Addon Ped an put them in the right spot in the mod folder but it still doesn't work.


Did a test battle with Thanos as enemy, here's the video. Isues: Thanos is a tank, had to eventually call in Thor to help, but he's way under-powered, his damage output should be increased. Iron Man/War Machine will not attack him, either as props or using peds, they just hover. Unrelated to your mod but annoying, the thor/cap mod will attack anyone spawned from a different mod so iron man won't attack thanos but Thor will attack iron man lol. <a href="https://youtu.be/w0R6WZjHp5A" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/w0R6WZjHp5A</a>


still using the vitality mod for hulk, settings are based on what gave me a competetive fight against superman, where I'm 50/50 on win/loss ration using those settings. Superman can kill Hulk quick where as I never felt Thanos really posed much danger, however it's much harder to kill Thanos


cant make this because it would make impossible detect who is damaging them


the updates are manual, you need to download from patreon and install again


why buy :( that sad


sorry man


ally is nott on yt


how do you make these?? mods


Uhh, Thanos is unkillable, when he reaches zero he goes back to full health. Also I cant seem to kill him with a Hyper sonic punch when hes below 2000


If its a boss feature it needs an animation/effect as well as some nerf


How to download this thanos mod please help me I'm new here


you need to be a patreon, there is a link in description for the patreons post that have the download link


I get an "Error Spawning Thanos" message whenever I try to run this! Been trying to figure this out all day. I'm just a noob i guess :(


Played more with this &amp; Ironman. Ironman will attack you as thanos, but if you spawn ironman as an ally he will not attack thanos (thanos as an enemy). if you spawn ironman as enemy and thanos as an ally they WILL attack each other. The only problem seems to be ironman as an ally against thanos. Ironman as an ally against superman works great for example. Also the helicopters spawn but do nothing. I even hit one with a car &amp; they didn't attack. Also the meteor strike should do atleast 3 times more damage. I think all his damage should be increased, but definitely that.


Good job julio. Is it any way to change GRAB Hotkey? :c


When I try to spawn thanos it says "Error spawning Thanos". I copied everything into the "Scripts" folder like the instructions said but still nothing. Do I have to do something in OpenIV to get this to work properly? Thanks


install the ped model, the script dont includes a ped model, but includes a sample suit .ini file for a added ped

Chris Powers

This mod is amazing and overpowered but tremendously fun. I do have one question, the game seems to crash when too many portals are open.. Is there a way to remove the portals?? It seems I am unable too or just do not know how. Keep up the great work!! This is amazing!


im finishing HULK v2, will make a Thanos update, flash update, then more mods of my todo list


Can you make Dr.Strange Next?

Al Ha

Excellent, this is why I'm happy to support you. This mod is in desperate need of controller support, hope you'll add it soon. Cheers.


tell me why do they pay for mods once download to see and remove


Julio,Can i pay with PayPal Balance? i really want it


i really want but i can't pay with Credit Card


try to pay using the paypal button of this page: <a href="http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/2018/06/patreon-with-paypal.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/2018/06/patreon-with-paypal.html</a>


so, this paypal button dont let you pay with paypal balance? send me email if you cant send message here: gtaivscripting@gmail.com


Julio i already paid,can you send the Thanos script to my Email?


check your email, i sent the files and instructions for login, also check your spam box


Hello! I'll ask the question: When will it be possible to download a mod for free? (thanos)


im sorry for disturbing but can you send it to my other email?




my full mods are for patreons, there are limited trial versions some weeks after first release


when i click allow it said 'You need to be a patreon of JulioNIB to continue'


follow the instructions of the email, answer me via email, not comments


Julio i have a problom with the peds


i dont want to pay!


I tried verifying my pledge but I cancelled it early because I don't want to pay $2 every month (just a once-off). And it told me that I needed to be patreon of yours, so I made another pledge and restarted my game and now it's not even prompting me to open the browser and verify. I tried re-loading the mod as well. EDIT: I fixed it! Just had to refresh the Patreon Login text file in the GTA folder to get it to prompt me again.


New problem. I've validated the mod in-game successfully, but LControl+N isn't doing anything still...


Then you dont get it, he spends time and effort making these mods. Surely 1$ a month isnt hard


Hello Julio, I paid for the basic mods access but I cant seem to download ANY mods whatsoever? Every mod is locked behind another paywall.


here it show that you have access to 2usd mods, so, you should be able to download from 2usd posts, what links you cant see?


Hey bro did you add anything new for the Hulk V2 Mod since WIP4?

Chris Powers

Insane gameplay warning (lol, funny as hell though). Summon 4+ allies of Thanos &amp; watch the chaos of their powers blowing up Los Santos... Incredibly fun!! Its insane but hella fun!!! Luckily I had godmode on myself--if not, I think I'd die just from the aftermath of their destruction...


Hey bro i dont see the thanos mod in your mod menu once i load it up. I have ironmanV also but all I see is that. I put everything and my scripts folder and logged into patreon and still nothing :/


hey man i dont wanna sound rude but why are your mods not free anymore


So I have it up and running, but it's only showing Franklin as the skin. Everything else is working. Whenever I try to spawn Thanos, it says "error loading thanos


All your throw attacks (for every script) need to do impact damage


"The script mod don't include suits, so, download and install one, the mod goes with a suit sample file for Thanos Infinity War model, there is a link in the suits subfolders"


when i use thanos big game always crashed

Calvin DeVoe

I recently updated my game and Everytime I launch it, it crashes at the loading screen. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


too many dlc packs maybe, theres a fix tho: <a href="https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/cweaponinfoblob-limit-adjuster." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.gta5-mods.com/tools/cweaponinfoblob-limit-adjuster.</a> Its how I got GTAV Space to work

Calvin DeVoe

So old mods is the problem? It crashes when I try to use add-on peds, but works fine without it


you need to copy actual update.rpf to mods\update then make the changes in that rpf again




" There is a know ISSUE for CHINA users, China's firewall blocks my site, so, china users need a VPN to login and use the mods that require Patreon login or send me the login link via message"


you shoul send this info via message but ok, i validated for you, load a saved game to start using the mod




is it this?


it should check login each time you load scripts and try to use the mod, the login screen only should appear once


Hello, I do not work slowmotion-time in Thanos and Flash mods. Animation is there but my character is just accelerating. What is it?


hello, can someone help me? when i login into the browser , I then press insert and after some time i cant login into the game.. It appears like Login failed :( and i dont understand why? everything is up to date


When I use the mod, the glowing (of the stones) is too far from the actual stones in the model. It's probably because I used a different model than the one you included in your mod, but is there a way to adjust it so that it will work with my model?


Please give trial version.. free.


When I snap my fingers 3-4 times, literally everyone in the city dies and cops don't even spawn, because they're dead. I think that's a really cool feature, I love it, but could you add a way to un-do that? The only way now is to toggle the mod off then back on, and everyone comes back to life.

Calvin DeVoe

Is there a way to play offline, I already signed in but when not connected to internet it doesn't let me use the mod

Marcio Santos

y have problem in login thanos


no, sorry, only with internet connection. why you need to play offline?


what model you used? i need to make custom suit .ini files for other ped models, only made for the one i use in my videos :)


Incredible mod, any chance we can increase the damage for the power stone? It can't destroy tanks/ large aircrafts.



TheIronicist (Mike Dewar)

Hi, did you increase Thanos’s heath options between versions? Or Option B: is the computer just a way better Thanos than me?


hey man i ended up pledging 2 dollars to you but i still cant download any of the mods that cost 2$ can you help me


i cant find your past pledge details, can you comprove the payment?


Are there any certain specs I’ll need to run these mods?


latest game patch, good fps is recommended too, like 40fps or more


will there be a free version?


hmm I found that if you use ability like meteor/black hole a lot and the fps would drop slowly. and it can goes down start from 50 to 25. any way to improve the efficiency?


This MOD is awesome! Thank you for you help and patience with setting it up. My FPS drops dramatically after I open up the abilities wheel. I have a 1080TI with a Ryzen 1700 OC'ed and my FPS drops into the 20s


i had other user with same issue but with DBZ mod, just press E to switch between powers without showing the selection HUD, i believe this may avoid the fps drop


i didnt had big and constant fps drops, i added a feature to remove black holes in actual version that im working now, will release soon


I have noticed that the portals of Thanos remain in the air even after repeated usage. bug or feature?


its normal, i will release a version today that let you delete the portals/black holes


а этот мод будет бесплатным?


So he has more time to create mods and not worry about living expenses?


GTA V Thanos script mod free please. (Ебаные разработчики зажрались в край сука)

Cody Slater

hey I had to reinstall my game but cant get mod meny to open do I need to download something instaed of the mods


Скорее всего будет, потому-что он написал скоро будет доступна trail версия мода.


Hi, when I try to turn the pedestrians into animals they initially disappear for about 20 seconds and then reappear into animals, is that some kind of a glitch?


Theres a glitch with the Reality Stone - Turn people into stone. Ped models are stuck with the stone effect on em (unlike before). Trying the snap finger attack but (was testing this on jiren/DBZ script) he keeps spawning back after he "dies"/turns to dust. Btw your DBZ script kill all enemies is not the same as kill all allies (cuz they will act like they recovered from a deadly attack instead of being deleted). Havent tested this on other scripts. Oh and the Thanos AI does not recover HP from the souls attack, only player

NaZz Games

could you maybe make a thor ragnorok mod


What time would you say the hulk mod is coming out ? For non-WIP


Do i have to pay $2 to get the mod

Susan To


rom lazar

I'm playing savral of your mods , Thank you for great work every time &amp; its get even greater every time :D can i ask you publish the Config.ini that users can change the kyboard key? tnx Pro :D

Dhruvit Jayendrakumar Dhodia

The Mod works fine me, except the animations don’t work for me, I can’t see the portals or the soul or power shooting animations, will I have to reinstall the game ? Please help me out


sorry, there is no option to set custom hotkeys for the recent mods


you mean animations of ped or the screen fx? maybe you need to update your game to latest game patch


is there a way so i can boost my performance and fps using this mod? Cause the frame rate is very low when im using the Thanos mod.


if I pay two dollars I will only get access to this mod?


is there any other payment option?


if I buy it how can I add it in because it is my first time to add mods


is the Thanos free to down load


I paid 2 dollars, I downloaded the fashion of Thanos. I went into the game for confirmation, I pressed L, entered my login and password and ...You need to be a Patreon of JulioNIB Team to continue


If that, I'm from Ukraine)) So I hope everything is clear written


Stone effects still there, its removed when I used a power gem attack (maybe others too)


after using powers or what? here i didnt noticed big fps drops in my dead gtx 760


paypal, pagseguro (for brazil) or patreon methods check links on blog post


you need to install scripthookV, scripthookVDotNet and the script files that you will download from patreon, send me message case you have issues




Julio hulk v2 is going to need that health option as well too, the health is lock in to 5000 and can't be change with any other mods. Trainers won't help at all, Iron man also need the health option to compete with the thanos script mod. Their health is way to low to fight against thanos, lol. Three hits and they're out.


yeah, will have :) you can reduce Thanos AI damage coef in the suit .ini files


Why is there only sound for the portals


How can I fix this or isn’t there a way


Everytime I use this mod or any other of your mods, they work for a while until I grab a ped and throw them. I have a mod for realistic ragdolls. Could that be the culprit?


can I pay £2 to get iron man mod then cancel and keep it or do you need to continue paying £2 to play it


Hi! and the mode for Thanos will be available for free?


Will there be a fashion release?


Hi Julio, whats the difference between damageCauseCoef &amp; enemyDamageCoef? Is there a max number I can put? Thanks


if i can remember well (without checking my codes) the damageCauseCoef is for player and the enemyDamageCoef is for enemies. 1 its 100¨%, you can put any number, but i dont recommend very high values, can cause issues or wrong behavior.


is there another way to pay for the mod? my debit card doesn't have visa or mastercard privileges to pay on paypal or with card. it only has cirrus or bancnet.. ;(


sorry, those are the options for now, but you can try the mods for free on fridays


請問 為什麼 角色有能力 外型卻沒改變?


你好 游戏里一直是让我登录的提示,但我登录还是让我登录,怎么办?


it only will ask for login once when you try to use powers, now, if you go to NIBMods menu and try to login there, it always will perform the login when asked, but in normal usage when you simple try to equip a suit or use powers, it will ask for login just once, if you login. if you are in China you may need to send me the patreon Login link so i can manually activate for you,


I can`t Download Help~ cash ); plz e-mail (cung999@naver.com)


결제 했는데 다운이 안됩니다.


do i only need to pay once or monthly for 2$ to play the mod?


Se eu pagar os 2 $ posso baixar quantos mods quiser e terei suporte ou um arquivo de texto para fazer a instalação ?


pode baixar todos ja lançados por mim, veja o email que te respondi


thanks julio... i finally got the mod.. i may have seem a minor problem.. when i use the power shoot attack , the purple ray fx doesn't show up. it only shows a glowing white light on the gauntlet while shooting. Same goes for the stone it, splash it and wild it, there's no red ray fx. the teleport doesn't also have the color black gaseous particles around it, only the blue inward rays.. does that relate to my game patch? i'm using an older gta 5 version


the issue is the game patch, it dont have the required particle fx that i use

Victor Gadin

how to login imean but being logged and need login for mods like that!

Victor Gadin

it doesn't work from me is buying when it free ?


it will ask for login when you try to use the mod, if you are a patreon you can login and activate the mod for that PC


I want to buy it, but I can't because I'm a student.


Como e que faz pro thanos ai usar a skin do fortnite?


vc baixa o ped model, instalar, faz uma copia de uma das Suits da pasta scripts\Thanos script files\Suits, abre com notepad, edita as variaveis: name e model, no model vc define o nome do modelo que vc inseriu no RPF


how to change the hotkeys in the thanos ini file..? i would like to change the "melee attack" to "Left mouse button", "Attack special skill" to "Q" and "Grab Key" to "R."


you can change in the script menu, check the Options or Controls in the thanos menu


can not buy access, because I live in the Crimea and we do not have your requisites


you have other choices: <a href="http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/2018/07/vip-mods-access.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/2018/07/vip-mods-access.html</a> also there is freeday on saturday


又不行了。 制作者。,,灭霸脚本又不能登录了


When I charge my melee attacks cars don't go flying anymore


Why did I install the anti-bully mod activation step to report an error,saying that NIBMods menu ScriptHookVDotnet log file error was detected


разработчик сын гейба вот и в папашу пошел


open the ScriptHookVDotnet log file and see what is the error message


Hey, I can't seem to download the mod... It is free friday! Whenever I try to download it, it keeps asking me to pay for it


freeday is on saturday now: <a href="http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/2018/06/freedays.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gtaxscripting.blogspot.com/2018/06/freedays.html</a>


Hey, how can i download the mod to my xbox.


ok thank you.


anyway to make Thanos have a stronger melee? Like supermans? I feel his super strength are very lackluster compared to his powers. Any setting I can write into the .ini file? Also is there a way to make it so your normal character can use his powers without causing them to change into default clothing? I don't use the thanos skin.


i need to fix melee attacks, its a bug in latest version in the suit .ini file, set the model variable to player model=player


Main Process Crushes when I activate Thanos mod. In ScriptHookVDotNet2.log file an [ERROR] line says System.MissingMethodException threw in 'PedSelector.PedSelector' : method not found "NativeUI.UIMenu NativeUI.MenuPool.AddSubMenu(NativeUI.UIMenu, System.String, System.String)". But I've already placed the newest NativeUI.dll in my script folder. Can I get any help?


Why do I need to turn on any Settings when I have poor effects


this error isnt related to my mod, i dont use NATIVEUI maybe your scripthookVDotNet2 is outdated




Where does my game break down when I put the thanos mod and other modules together


I recently installed Thanos script mod on my GTA V PC. Everything worked fine till the point I was required to change into Thanos' skin. Then my game blacks for a while, then within that black screen comes a loading circle which keeps loading i wait 2 hours and above but cannot make thanos in gta v plz tell me the solution of this eror thanks nib


How do you activate it! ? THX


How do you get to the power menu wheel


cant seem to find the hotkey


Thanos powers dont working. It was working until yesterday. But now its not. I didnt install any mods or etc..


yes you did changed something, mod don't stop working from nothing

Zehan Ili

bro i installed the mod and i activated the free trial after it came hi free mod user the screen was all black and a message came gta V has stopped working.

Zehan Ili

can you tell the ped model i can use

Zehan Ili

plz send me a vedio of installing

Zehan Ili

plz tel me a vedio of installing

Zehan Ili



All of your other hero mods ally, enemy, killer work but for thanos the npc just stands there... yeah.


i have two problems, it is lagging alot, my pc is a monster, so there is no chance of lag. By lag I mean when i use a power it doesn't react smoothly like in your videos, and the second problem is when i try to use some powers like telkenesis on a target, it just freezes on him. I can't switch or move my character at all, and all it is doing is using the action of telkenesis while frozen.


okay I noticed more problems now, my crosshair is at the corner of the screen but not center. All the telkenesis powers makes the character freeze like i said above. Some powers like equiping melee, using melee, wave thingy idk, works after 5 seconds when the button is pressed


@JulioNIB Im having the same issue as the guy above, i have the mod installed but not only are the ttacks delayed but also some dont work and the telekinetic attack just freeze him. Pls help!


I'm haing issues, I donated for the thanos script last night but once i installed, i have no aim and so i cant ue powers properly, please respond, many thanks


Thanks for stealing my money, I pledged 5 dollars and I got nothing, I still get the patreon screen.


I have a problem. when i enable the mod it will be too slow l


it will be too slow during play




do i need to pay to use this mod?


Hi im having issue, how do i open gem selection screen?!

ExBlazer Infinity

I can't enable the mod. The script works fine but the ped for Thanos IW isn't working. Is there a way to fix this.


this isn't a issue related to the mod, its related to the ped models you didn't installed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96GzYA69GmQ


how do i get the screen back up i closed out of it now i cant sign in