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Dear Patron,

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your support. It'll help me pay for housing and other necessities as well as build a better future long-term. I spent most my life working stressful jobs. Over the years, struggling to find a better job, the cost of living and rent growing faster than pay to the point where I had to start worrying about becoming homeless.

I am happy to currently offer several benefits for my supporters. Currently focused on extra content based around my publicly available work. Alternative angles and exclusive WIP content. However as my patreon continues to grow, I am planning to expand the benefits in the future, perhaps something more interactive. Currently I am still forced to work a full-time job, which heavily limits the amount of time I can spend on my artwork, but my patreon supporters will always be my priority.

I'm growing old, so I'm hoping for my patreon to grow big enough for me to at least change my stressful full-time job to a part-time job, so I can spend more time on my artwork, doing what I love. It has always been my dream to do this for a living and I thank you for helping me to try making it a reality.

Whether you are planning to support me one time or long-term, I will always remember your kindness and will be forever grateful to you.

Kind Regards, Graventhax

Added: 2024-03