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Art by: thebreadguardian

“Um...hey everyone....lunch is ready…”

A calm, small voice, coaxes you to look up, knowing very well what you would see. The obese elf looks down at you from the curvature of her belly, her lips tightly puckered into an embarassed ‘x’ that she could hardly get the words out. Her belly rises a few inches and gently plops back against your face as she takes a deep breath to relax herself.

“Will our new friend be joining us?”

The princess pried her cheeks out of Kyaru’s meaty grasp, beaming her same radiant smile as she relishes an idea you can tell has run through her mind many times before. You can hear your cloak and dagger fall with a metallic clatter as her gargantuan shadow looms over you once again.

“An excellent idea! We can look over the guild paperwork after we’ve gotten our tummies full! Maybe they’d like to try feeding us too! My arms sure are tired after all that walking!”

The cat girl shakes her head as she props herself up on a pair of blubbery arms after being sent flying back from a serious belly thrust. She catches sight of your discarded cloak and dagger, immediately putting two and two together as she quickly attempted to sprawl her enormity out and over the sheathed blade. 

“That doesn’t even make any sense, Pecorine! You told us you were going to try eating this week by just burying your face in the bowl in order to preserve precious calories!”

“Oh yeah! That’s a crazy awesome plan, right? Maybe our guest would like to watch?”

“I’m sure they would, right after you two go wash up. We can’t be eating with such poor table manners! It’s disrespectful to the food!”

It was only with Kyaru’s observation that both Princess Pecorine and Kokkoro became aware of the bits of food still clinging to each other’s cheeks. After a couple of fruitless attempts to lick the morstles away, they half heartedly sighed and accepted that washing their faces would be the only way forward. The two girls lumbered towards the kitchen sink, leaving you and your corpulent co-conspirator a precious few moments alone.

“Listen, the assassination plans are off for now. I’ve tried to fatten Pecorine up as much as I can but it seems that with every pound she gains, she only gets stronger. I wish I could tell you that she’d be immobile soon, but that’s really beyond my ability to judge.”

She thrusts the bundled cloak and dagger back towards you before furtively gripping the uppermost roll of her belly and wrung it between her fingers.

“If you’re really serious about this, spend some time helping me keep her fed and getting her fatter and maybe together we’ll be able to do something about her endless appetite. I’m super serious about this plan you know, but Pecorine....she has this way of getting you caught up in her pace! It’s not like I do this because I like the food or anything…”

The Princess’ voice echoes through the kitchen amidst the sound of running water. 

“I made you your favourite, fish and chips for being such a good girl today! An extra large portion for Kyaru-chan for making the grocery run again!”

You can see that the part time assassin, turned full time foodie, had her edges softened in more ways than one. Even her tail got fat as it rose to attention beneath the hem of her absurdly tiny skirt. The girls, now fresh and clean, made their way to the sturdy stumps they used for seating against the wooden table piled high with enough food to feed several small villages. 

The girls beam at you widely, coaxing you towards the first, heaping pot of stew in hopes that you’ll ladle it out to them as they rhythmically bang their cutlery against the hardwood in ever ravenous anticipation.

You realize your quest has taken you to a crossroad where your decision could have enormous consequences. The cold steel wrapped up in your soft cloak echoes this subconscious truth as your path remains unwritten. The princess beams her eternally sunny smile at you as her double chin quivers in anticipation of your response.

“I guess that concludes the tour. So, do you wanna join us? It’d be crazy awesome if you did!” 



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