Plus Size - Obstetrics Director - Yukine Honami (Patreon)
Design by Belka-Dog
Name: Yukine ‘Yukinee’ Honami
Nationality: Japanese
Designation: Head of the Obstetrics Department/Part time internet idol
One of the six clinical leaders of Kirusa Hospital.
Almost always heavily pregnant most of the time, the head of obstetrics finds that doing things from a seated position is often far more enjoyable than dealing with patients herself. Once driven to manage Japan’s declining birth rate as a point of interest, she has taken it upon herself to try and make surrogacy ‘in vogue’ from the the comfort of her cushy office.
However, hospitals such as Kirusa have entered an age where simply being ‘good’ at saving people is not a good enough reason to keep them around and profitability has become paramount. Live-streams and entertainment are expected through every aspect of modern society including life and death situations.
YouTube killed the video star.
But 36 isn’t too old to be an idol, right?