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This would be my fourth time. And I don’t think I’d be showing any of my body anymore. Probably will wear mostly TShirts. It would be family friendly. I could try being sus with some very low key short scratching but that’s it.



I say make another one and have that one be for your strictly SFW content, people that want more can subscribe to your patreon.


Yeah, I would say just stay family friendly but you can also be a little “risky” sometimes! And if people want to see more, they can sub to your Patreon like the rest of us!


Yeah I think that’s what I might end up doing in the long run. I don’t want to stop. I love what I do and I love YOU GUYS!!! I’m never leaving anytime soon.


I say (just my opinion) you should do a nice family friendly really good quality videos,T-shirts,long shelve tops etc if you want to,the other kinds of asmr you like doing,so to keep YT happy,BUT you advertise your other “adult” NSFW stuff on here! That way you don’t need to worry about starting again,ppl get the content they want here,and you can explore your asmr on your new channel that hopefully 🤞 YT leaves alone this time.sorry that went on a bit.


I agree with everything you said Thunderbolt. I think this is what I’ll be doing. And no need to apologize cutie!❤️❤️


Unfortunately, you're going to have to start a fresh YouTube channel. The good news is that now you have 3 more strikes before you're out again 🤷🏾‍♂️. The whole point of sites like Patreon and OnlyFans is to be supplemental content for your other social media. Since you deleted all of your other social media, the only place to obtain new subscribers is from YouTube.


I know that many people followed your channel for your risqué content and you blew up after your shirt scratching videos. Perhaps you should start TWO new YouTube channels at the same time. One SFW and one NSFW, and see how it goes. At least if your NSFW channel goes down, you have the SFW channel and can always direct subs to the new NSFW channel and Patreon.


Because I know you like YT and different triggers and I think you could really grow your channel with SFW but I prefer this lol it’s the only asmr I like! And you can do that kind on here with more freedom,hope you feel abit better after talking with us? I know it still sucks they deleted it.❤️❤️


Sorry for the rant, but I've learned how YouTube is over the years, and two content creators can make the exact same content, but if one has large boobs and the other has small boobs, they will go after the busty creator as not being "family friendly". I hate to say it, but have you considered starting back up on Twitter and Instagram? I know you hate the trolls and nasty DMs, but perhaps you can start slow, turn off access to comments and DMs except for people you follow back, and can keep some of the more "explict" content there as a way to direct users to Patreon.


I totally understand! I will keep on doing nsfw ASMR here! And I do feel a bit better. I love you guys. You always have my back.❤️


Yeah I know. I still don’t regret deleting Twitter though, it was really bad for me mentally. Lots of messed up things happened there 😅


Good baby girl that want we want to hear❤️❤️ I sent you a dm on here hope it helps to cheer you up😊😊let me know when you’ve seen it?


That’s also a good idea, or I might still do shirt scratching but me for lowkey with it. I’ll figure this out. I always do.


I mean I could do that. I probably shouldn’t have accepted DMS from people. It was really overwhelming and I couldn’t handle the disturbing comments. Let me think about it. I think you’re probably right. I just need to not open DMS anymore


I hope you decide to come back to Twitter as I enjoyed your content there, but TBH most of that type of content has rolled over here so I'm very happy with your Patreon.