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Here's a teaser for my upcoming holiday themed short video. Cassey and Rachel are back!

Btw guys, sorry if there was no update for a little while. It's because I was working on the other short video that I'm planning to release before this Christmas one. It's actually pretty much done, but I still have to wait for some Voice Actresses to do their magic. I also couldn't release any teasers for that one as it is a collaboration and the other person I'm working with can't really show a teaser of what they're working on on their side so we're waiting to be both done so we can release it together.

Also one last thing, I plan to start releasing those first teasers to the public as it may help bringing people to my Patreon as they will be able to see what what next release is gonna be. Don't worry though, Work In Progress animated teasers are still going to be patreon exclusive!

See you soon!



Ben Polk

Cool, these two are adorable together, looking forward to it m8

Charles Bruce

Glad to see Rachel back,Thank you.