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Alright everyone. We're now entering our 3rd year of Terrible Content. And as I mentioned a bit before, things are about to change a lot. So hopefully this post will help you understand as much as possible how things are going to change. I'll try to make it as clear as I can, so I'm using a "patch note" format, since I usually like the way those are made. With that being said, let's begin.

      Video and Rewards Schedule
We're starting with this one because it's probably the biggest change. As you all know, I used to do about 1 video a month. Releasing a comic with it each time with other stuff like poll and character profiles. Like I said, these releases were always meant to be one of each every month. Well, this is no more.

Starting now, I won't do 1 long video a month. There won't be anymore deadlines for anything really. However I'll still try to do 1 long video every 2 months or so. The reason behind this is that I want to spend more time on my videos. I wanna be able to improve them until I'm satisfied instead of having to rush them because the deadline is coming. You guys could see what it looks like when I take the time to polish a video with To Do List. This video took 2 months of work to do, but it has much more story telling and actually ended up being my longest video to date. Now I'm not saying that I'll start posting videos that are always gonna be that long, but one thing for sure is that the quality is gonna go up. And don't worry, you'll still get to see Work In Progress of the video I'm currently working on.

Now this means the same with stuff like polls and comics. Instead of making about 5 pages of comic a month as well as one sex position poll for each month, we're gonna change that to one per video. So for instance, if it takes me 2 month to make a video, then I'll have only 1 comic published within the same time period.

So this may seem a bit scary because in a way it means less content, but it should also mean that the quality will increase.

       AC now AV

This is a minor change, but from now on Alternate Clothing videos are gonna be renamed Alternate Version instead. This is simply because sometime it might not be only the outfits that changes but also lighting and such. A bit like what we saw in Hotel Intimacy.

       Comics unrelated to video
Now this should be interesting. Since I've started to exploit the storytelling more and more directly in my videos, I've decided that the comic should focus on other things. I have a lot of characters (over 30) and this means that we don't get to see all of them within a year of video content. But now, the comic won't be directly related to the video that I'll be currently working on. That means we'll get to see what is happening with other characters in the Terrible Cinematic Universe. This should also help me show you guys some stuff that I can't do very well in videos yet.

       New Content - Shorter Videos (for all tiers)
Now this is another very important thing. Since I'm gonna be taking more time to do my long videos, I'll still try to take the time to make shorter videos in between. What do I mean exactly by shorter videos? Something around 3 min or less. Without much narration. Just a simple sex scene with a single position. This will help me practice some stuff, and will give you guys more content to watch! And this is another thing that will help featuring more characters over the year! These will be first released on Patreon exclusively, and then a week later released to the public. I also don't plan to do AV for those.

What's coming up next?

Next thing on my planning is a short collab video that I'm doing with someone that I won't be naming for now. This should be coming up shortly. After that, I'll be working on another short video, this time the one I was talking about that is Christmas themed. A bit behind on the timing here, but should be enjoyable nonetheless. And then, I'm gonna start working on my next big video: A Terrible 2019. Which means the character popularity poll for 2019 is coming up soon! Think about which female and futa characters were your favourite this year and I'm going to showcase the most popular ones in this video! I really can't wait to see how this one turns out!!

That's about it! I know this is a lot of changes. This also means that some of you may decide to stop being a patron because of it. It is unfortunate but I understand that changes can be scary. But just know that I'll keep doing my best. I will keep working hard to make better content for you guys and prove you that pledging for me isn't a mistake. You guys changed my life and I don't know what I would be doing today without all of your help. So I'll do everything I can to make you all proud. In the meantime, I wish you all an happy new years. Thank you so much for being this awesome.



Ben Polk

Looking forward to how things turn out, either way you've still got my continued support fairy m8 =)

Kamlesh Solanki

Higher Quality is a good objective. Thank you for the update. You can count on my support.

Tyler Petty

Thanks for the update i know youll make us proud with the universe you are building never give up on thoose dreams

Alex White

Quality is always better than quantity. I'm in!


Fairy you have left me satisfied with every video you make. You have improved a lot over the last year. 2 months sounds good to me for high quality and a little longer video. You still have my support keep up the good job. 👍


All up for the longer videos with improved quality. No need to rush them.

Icarus Media

Hey...you do you. Most people are supporting you because you are you. Think about it, me, you, blacksheep we all make videos. But some people like you, some me and some like Blacksheep. It's the style and personality of work that most (not all of course) are interested in. So if something helps you to feel motivated to work better, longer and with more quality and joy it can only be a good thing.