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"Witness Marks"

Worst jump scare so far. Poor Kiss 😂👻
That witness mark conversation was done SO well... as were all conversations in this series 😅 We are majorly impressed with the acting and show overall!

Thanks for watching with us! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Lachlan Smith

Ah yes, welcome to the best jump scare in the history of television

Jasmine Reigns

LMFAOO I vividly remember watching this episode at work and the scream that came out of me , my coworkers remind me from time to time 😂😂😂

Gabriel Dobson

It was black mould on the forever house and the vanity that Steve painted over.

Johannes Saliba

Legendary jumpscare. First time I saw it I thought I was about to flatline lol

Ashton Reed


Charity Konusser (the chonus)

The jumpscare heard 'round the world! Once you guys complete the series, you should watch the videos on YouTube that point out all of the hidden ghosts - and then watch the compilation of reactor channels screaming and jumping at this jumpscare. 100% worth it.

Anders Thomsen

THAT was the jump scare I was talking about in ep 1


If I remember correctly, Nell's actress jumped out earlier than she was supposed to, so the reactions of Theo and Shirley being freaked out are as authentic as they could be LOL


I normally just ignore jumpscares but that one is so good and effective because you're so engaged in the argument at close quarters and suddenly Nell is there to make them stop fighting. Legit nearly gives me a heart attack every single time

Matthew Clark

The red lights in the house were a callback to Luke’s 90-day sobriety speech, more specifically: “Those taillights, they were the worst. Red eyes in the dark, just taking hope with them.”


Nellie 🧟‍♀️ has ruined night walks and now night rides for me.🖕u Nellie 🧟‍♀️ now I have to doordash my mc flurry 🍨 even though I'm trying to lose weight 😩

Andrea D.

Man, this must be a totally different experience to watch this as sisters... Me as an only child, I'll never understand this dynamic :D

Charles Malo

Do a reaction to both please! the hidden ghosts reveal AND the compilations of reactions to this scene... You'll seee how you aren't the only ones... I am STILL cleaning coffee from my keyboard fromthat scene months ago.

Charles Malo

Didn't one of the two sisters say something last time about how the house is feeding on the family in the episode where they kept comparing the house to a "living creature" , like the mom in her blueprints, and how some things were veins, and others? If I remember correctly, i just wanna say that i love these 2 girls for being ridiculously smart and ahead of their time with their reactions. When the dad said "this family is like an unfinished meal to the house.. .and it will defend itself" etc... i IMMEDIATELY remembered how these girls called it. PS: hope you managed to sleep after those jumpscares LOL... That's the "thing" i referred to last time that everyone was waiting for you to experience... that and the sudden reveal about the "there was no tree house" ... because you were really hovering over this "they keep asking about random rooms that the dudleys dont know" and when he said " i never built you a tree house, and you saw more ghosts than any other of your siblings like the clock fixer man..." i had GOOSE BUMPS.


As each episode goes by you start to love Hugh more and more. He really was a good dad and husband and he really wants to be there for his kids. You're spot on with Nel, everything she does beyond the grave feels like it's to bring her fractured family back together, it's just it's such a shame that her death happened in order to do that. Also the stuff with Steven, everything clicks into place here about him and the minute Hugh tells him about the "guy" working on the clock makes you wanna go back to that scene again under the new context. The best kind of horror is the one you can't see or don't notice til later and this show is filled with it.


Absolutely agree, episode 6 alone is worth multiple. Can't wait to rewatch the finale and see their reaction to it, also noticed a few more of the hidden ghosts this time around

James Williams

I knew what was going to happen and I still got scared. 😩 the car scene is too scary.

Isac christensen

Welcome to the jumpscare that people talked about for years :) 😱😱😎


Binged all the edited reactions last night but can't wait to watch the full reaction of the final episode. I hope you had tissues nearby. Also, if you're interested, once you've finished the series you should go back and watch the original film version "The Haunting" directed by Robert Wise from 1962, even if you don't react to it for the channel (and do NOT watch the awful remake from the 90;s). It's more closely adapted from the original novel but you'll get to see how Mike Flanagan incorporated all the key elements and moments into the series, but then added the themes of family trauma. It's my favorite 'haunted house' film and part of my haunted house trifecta, along with "The Changeling" from 1980 and "The Others" with Nicole Kidman from ... whenever that was.