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E31 - The Worst Man in the Eastern Seas! Fishman Pirate Arlong!
E32 - Witch of Cocoyashi Village! Arlong's Female Leader!

We've arrived at Arlong Park! We're so excited to see how this all plays out. Love these characters so much!

Thanks for all of your continued support here on Patreon. Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕




Arlong laughs like "Shaaaa-ha-ha-ha" because he's a SHArk. I can totally imagine Oda writing this in a notebook of concept art and cracking himself up lol. Also the racism against Fishmen is actually information we don't get until much later in the series until we get to the 400s. It makes us reframe the events of Arlong Park with a new depth as a link in the chains of causality. As we start off the series, the writing is relatively simple and straightforward, but as it progresses and the audience and the series matures and grows older, Oda added more complex ideas. But the Live Action didn't know if it'd be getting a second season so they had that knowledge inform Live Action Arlong's performance, to let the powers that be at Netflix know, hey this show has depth please don't cancel us.


The concept of the seven warlords was created before their final designs, so don't focus too much on their silhouettes shown in episode 31. You will meet all of them over time and their real design is mostly very different from the initial concepts, e.g. all of the silhouettes have swords, but they don't even all use swords


Hello Ladies again! hehe


I can't wait for you guys to see how this arc resolves in the anime. Imo the Live Action was great but it barely holds a candle to the story here. Dope reactions as always!

Sewer Lord

Man, I really don't want you two to stop when the anime catches up to the live action. There's so much more to enjoy and explore. I feel like the live action should be the cherry on top instead, especially since they'll introduce more big spoilers just like how they did with Garp being Luffy's Grandpa... The Anime built up to it so perfectly. There's going to be a lot of corners being cut and spoiled without as good as a buildup and reveal as the anime. I'll be watching your reactions regardless, this brought new life to the anime for me. I had such similar reactions when I first watched this over a decade ago. I'm so caught up that I'm reading manga spoilers leaked on reddit... plus I'm so deep into the theories and lore. So this is the closest I can get to re-experiencing it all over again.


The live action version for Arlong Park while decent never matches the original. Zoro in the live action seems to completely misjudge Nami and is indifferent to trying to understand whether Nami is really with them or against them. In the anime/manga Zoro gambles his own life in order to understand and confirm Nami's true intentions, going even further to say that this act isn't her. Also they mention Jimbei, somebody who gets mentioned in the live action briefly too as a Warlord as well as a brief mention in these episodes to Fishman Island in the Grand Line. Keep some of these names and places in mind or written down because One Piece has a very extensive amount of setup and world building that gets left for 100's of episodes only to become relevant again out of nowhere.


It's been years since I watched these earlier episodes or read the manga, so I've forgotten a lot of the details. Re-watching it with you guys made me realize that I've been able to enjoy the live action a lot more because of the things I forgot. Like how Zoro acted towards Nami here, much better than how they handled that in the live action. So that's something you should keep in mind if you decide to keep watching the anime beyond Along Park: season 2 of the live action may not be enjoyable as season 1 was. Not that this should stop you though.

Adam Aucoin

Lol this dude actually said that Arlong is on par with Jimbe, lmao yeah ok.

Ben Asay

This is one of my favorite early arcs. Excited for you guys to see how it plays out! Regardless, I will watch your reactions, but if you decide to continue in anime after Aarlong park you could get through possibly what they'll cover in S2 so you could avoid possible spoilers like the Garp thing. I hope you guys continue to enjoy the ride, I'm excited for more 😎


Great arc and yes, the sister does know in this version, which I like more. Nami is not fully alone and also excellent plan by Zoro to see what Nami is really like.


I think you can also see a better established motivation for Nami to reject the Straw Hats right now because she's trusting that the deal will hold and she has "only" 7 million to go and they can be free,


Re-living Namis flashback in the anime with you guys will bring me to tears fo sho

Daniel Atkinson

This is often the point where everyone says you know if you will love all of one piece or not. Girls, please, you gotta continue!