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-Haylo & Kiss 💕




What a great episode. I actually forgot how incredibly tragic and scary it was. Nell is my favorite character, her story is so heartbraking. 😭 Most of all because no one listened to her, when she tried to reach out. Steve and her were just lashing out against each other, Luke just needed his next fix. That was the most tragic for me: She was so desperate for someone to listen to her and help her, that she let herself talk into buying drugs for her brother, fully knowing that it would only make things worse. And Theo was annoyed by her desperation over the loss of her beloved husband, instead of helping her. (See the cynical and bitter facade she's hiding behind for most of her life.) Even her parents early on dismissed her stories as nightmares or fantasies. I would guess Nells loneliness and her depression made her especially vulnerable to the call of the house. In the end scene I see two things: Firstly, it is like the horror version of "life flashing before your eyes" and secondly, the fact that her younger self sees herself in her final moments is kind of like a warning to younger Nell, to not return to the house. 🤔 Bent-Neck-Lady always showed up on tragic points of her life, like the night they had to leave the house, when she stayed at the motel where their dad brought them that night, when Luke took his fix or when her husband died. My guess (but it is a wild guess) is, that was the way she looked at her life, full of failures or tragic events, with the exception of her marriage, where Bent-Neck-Lady was nowhere to be seen. 🤔🙈 Did her husband die from an aneurism? I think yes. Now that we know she always saw herself, you can see that she was always there to witness things again, but never actively interfered. I would say the death of the love of her life pushed her back into the pit of depression she just climbed out of. And her family turned their backs on her instead of reading the signs and trying to help her. Luke was probably the only one who had an idea how Nell was feeling, but he was in no condition to be of any help. Puuh, that made me really tear up. 🙈 Now we need the perspective of the parents, or at least the dads. 🤔 Let's see how the big picture changes once we got his pieces of the puzzle. Great reaction as always, like your new intro by the way. 🙂

Spencer Wattamaniuk

I'm not sure if there's a proper spot to make recommendations, but a fantastic replacement to this great miniseries if y'all got nothing planned yet would be Season 1 of True Detective. Lightning in a bottle television across the board and widely regarded as one of the best seasons of TV out there. Acting, writing, directing, photography, soundtrack, set design...all pitch perfect. It's only 8 episodes too so it's basically a miniseries of its own.

Shockwave BTK

I've seen this series before and man I forgot what a ride this was.