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That song and animation were incredible. Our jaws were on the floor we seriously loved it so much... Once again, we are left with having more questions than answers. We're sure we've missed many things, hopefully we are keeping up well enough though! There has been a TON of information dropped very quickly with these last few eps.  We already know that a re-watch is necessary and would be a total blast.

Thanks so much for all of your love and support here on Patreon. We're so glad that you suggested and voted for this show! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Xanakone SPT

It took 4 years to wait for season 2 and it only has 12 episodes, was a bit sad back then hehe


Kiss: "The way that it's done i'm gonna scream" The Show immediately after: "Is that the scream of a titan?" Also noticed how you two had to lower the volume on the to be continued of the recent episodes because you do indeed scream lol

Alex Ucles

Double upload is mandatory next time

Sean Carroll

its not that they dont remember 5 years ago, its that reiner bertholdt and annie attacked 5 years ago and ymir ate their friend marcel around that time, but ymir has no memory of eating marcel. Bertholdt refers to them and eren not remembering something but thats not to do with the fact of them forgetting the events of 5 years ago, its more to do with them forgetting a specific thing, the show will explain that in due time


This episode is my fav!!! the brilliance of Ymir scene in the desert. Like god damn. So good.

CZ2 Delta

LOTS of exposition in that one episode. I'd rewatch the conversation between Bert & Ymir if it was my first time watching!


Next ep is gonna be a blast, cant wait


Ymir being royal blood is most likely a bluff (she was shown picked off the street at random between 3 other kids, that's not really how you find a kid from a royal bloodline), same with the "as long as she's alive we have immortality", this is highly possible it's a lie [so far everything in the universe is close to real life (besides the titan part ofc), there's no evidence of anything magical], her being still alive and young after 60 years is probably because she is a titan (so far we haven't seen a titan die of old age and humanity has been trapped in walls for decades now). This episode really gives a lot of info and subtle hints as well as explaining why Ymir said she "understood Christa/Historia", she had pretty much the same life where she had to hide her real identity to survive. I can't wait to see your reaction to the next episode !


You see the girl nodding at Ymir in 12:47 of this episode , that is actually the talking Titan from Ilse's Notebook OVA . Now this makes complete sense why that Titan bowed to Ilse saying Lady Ymir !!!

Jonathan Charles

This is more of an important episode than I remember. Just know that you're making good observations, and taking notes is a good move on your part.


No they are right Their memory lapse happened 5 years ago If you think about it long enough, you will see. Thats why this show is brilliant. Its written this way for a reason

Sean Carroll

you are not understanding my comment. Im saying in response to the girls saying "the characters forgot 5 years ago". The characters had a memory lapse 5 years ago for whatever reason but they did not forget everything from 5 years ago, if that's the case Eren wouldnt remember his mom dying which he clearly does.


I tried to do a spoiler-less comment and I just didn't remember whether this was told already or not + a century is technically multiple decades


AOT Music 🎶 🤌 Ymir should've eaten all 4 of those little 💩. I feel bad for Ymir but GOOD GOLLY HER TITANS FUGLY


please put the next 2 episodes in one post, they seriously go hand in hand and are INSANE. i strongly suggest watching them together !


No Spoilers and couple of requests. 1. Its not about the time 5yrs ago, its the "event" that they went through which they don't remember. Breaching of wall is not that event. If you try to remember, its the injection. its shown in this ep and in S1E2 and S1E9 Also remember what Reiner and Bert both said in different lines, when Ymir "turned" into Human, does she remember the person she ate. 2. Ilse's notebook titan is present in the group when Ymir was seated at the chair for worship, the woman who indicated "please dont" to Ymir. Remember Pure Titans have male like body. 3. In S2 E2/3/4 you would see Connie remembering his twin little brothers. You can also see two little titans fighting each other and one pulled ear of the other. Food for thought. 4. Would like both of you to watch after this Season: a) the next OVA (2 parts very informative) b) S2 Opening and Ending with subtitles if possible c) S1 and S2 opening Live concert (YOU HAVE SEEN NOTHING LIKE IT) link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8vcdBGLV1E

Erwin Smith

Another great reaction:) Keep them coming!

Kink Baron

You need to do a reaction video on some of the chosen music tracks from AoT when you're done with the show. When you hear it in full you'll be goosebumping all the time!

Kink Baron

Btw, seeing them react progressively crazier on the "to be continued" ending. By the time AoT season 4 hits I've got a feeling that Kiss & Haley will be in temptation to throw the monitor thru the windows outside (when they see again "to be cont...") and just go camping alone in the mountains for 2 days without technology just to get their peace back. :D :D :D This is just that type of rare show that really makes you careeee and pull your hair out....


This is a spoiler if you’re talking about Reiner’s group.


Call of Silence - Hiroyuki Sawano It’s the song that plays during the Ymir scene. Might be my favorite song from AOT.

Subash M

If you rewatch this episdoe and listen to each dialog carefully, you will get most of the answers about titan transformation and abnormals.


Kiss is definitely the hype titan! That’s it. That’s the tweet.

Zain kb

i thought while watching aot first seasons that i was missing a lot of things too and that i didn’t understand the story, but u guys are doing great just wait and see 🔥


Its not but for the sake of argument and actual spoilers I went ahead and changed it


omg we are here!!!! i love Ymir and so much makes sense after this one the montage of her and Krista interactions (and if you go back they are all there in the original watching)...she is so hard and jaded from such a hard/shit life and krista was able to crack through that and make her care about something again and want to be a better person "you dont understand...she knows what a shitty person i am but she still smiles at me" you will know you are reborn tonight... there are no bad guys just victims... was that a syringe!!! is this a punishment so many more questions...but hopefully rooting for ymir is settled :)

Charles Malo

Last few seconds : "Yes... YESSS...NOOOOOOOO" I swear that cliffhanger was just made to troll you. Also, sisters, fun fact, when this show came out, this episode was considered a "boring/filler" episode, because most of the reactors didn't even bother reading between the lines. YOU are doing great in terms of understanding that this is probably THE most important episode of this season, so much information just laid out in front of you, and you're asking so many interesting questions. I can't tell you the answers to them, or whether some of those questions even have answers... but what I can tell you is that I appreciate that you're paying attention to details, even those few frames where you notice something that many people didn't. Good job! Keep it up... ps: write those notes down, you will have to look back to this episode later in the future and compare your notes and theories vs what the show actually lets you know. And you may want to constantly come back to this episode every few episodes or every arc and rewatch it. I promise you, every time you watch it at least once per arc, you will unlock so many new details and easter eggs. It's like so much info here that's locked behind "chests" and the show is basically telling you that you have all the info needed, but you need a key to decrypt or unlock it or view it from a different angle... which is a funny analogy because this episode showed you the scout looking at that titan in connie's village and then looking at connie's parents portrait upside down... you know, IN ANOTHER ANGLE, much like this entire episode itself... And you are doing a good job in paying attention to "quick" frames and background details, but what i can tell you also is to pay attention not only to that and the dialogue but even the imagery, the music, the cryptic sentences, and if you notice that they sometimes use words that don't mean anything to you yet? that's intentional, every single word, letter, frame, and even color palette and emotion and character body movement or thought or flashback is important in this episode, and to think this arc started with them wanting to take a key... to unlock a secret in the basement, and meanwhile it's just giving you so many secrets and telling you that you don't have the key for them yet ;)


The spoilers in these comments are going to be intense. Hope they don't read them.


its so good...i think it comes up later a few times but this is its first use in the show

Charles Malo

1- Yeah, best not get into details there but the show intentionally says a sentence that may intentionally point the viewer at a red herring, but the intent indeed about that time was the conversation about "do you remember the first time you turned into a titan? Do you remember how or what happened? no? neither did we for our first, and i guess eren doesnt either." agreed. 2- yeah, this is what most people who don't watch the OVAs miss in this episode. So sisters, think back at the "talking titan" from ilse's notebook, he bumped into Ilse, who was a BRUNETTE short haired woman in the area, and since it's the same person who nodded at Ymir when she was pretending to be their "royal blood heir Lady Ymir", he was worshiping her then... and when he killed ilse after trying SOO MUCH to stop himself from this internal instinct, he couldnt stop himself, and felt remorse, and what did he do with ilse's body? she looked like Ymir, that's why he said "subjects of ymir" , and then he took her body and preserved her in a tree trunk almost like a throne or shrine for his lady ymir that he was worshiping when he was a human... i guess his subconscious was still slightly fighting off his titan instincts. 3- that's actually a nice easter egg, they actually DID notice those 2 "small" titans fighting eachother, i remember the sisters commenting on it, but even after many rewatches, it took me a bunch to realize the foof for thought moment. especially with the whole portrait thing in the village in that area. 4- i dont remember if those OVA parts come here or later, but i'll trust ur judgement seeing as you are well versed in the trivia and trying not to spoil (kudos btw, fellow trivia fan). They should probably watch the openings/endings when the season is over no? or is it per arc? but yes subtitles are important for the context.. like i said sisters, even the music in japanese has meaning :) as for the music. Do you think it's too early for them to watch Project Emu's full music list here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6Fl1Xl1ogg This music video... it's my bread and butter, and i think the girls would LOVE it.

Charles Malo

yeah a lot of people thought this was a filler episode back then... but this is arguably THE most important episode of this season in terms of "information", the only other 2 episodes that come close are the reiner/bert reveals build up and this season's last episode's "if you know, you know" info :)

Charles Malo

is it a female? always thought it was a guy. i mean the titan form is gender neutral, but even the human looked more of a guy... but it could be the haircut since the show didnt linger on that character that much

Charles Malo

yaeh don't worry that wasn't a spoiler. The s1 mentioned that "they have been behind the walls for about 100 years for as long as people remember and they didn't know where these walsl came from", and yes i quoted that because i didn't want to elaborate more or paraphrase either because of the thing that we wont talk about till s3

Charles Malo

I see what you'r erying to say sean but your first comment wording even had me confused with the same as baja, and i've seen this show 71 times now. And what I think you're saying is that "they dont remember the details of the first time they turned into titans and " and that's why berthold wasn't holding a grudge for her eating his friend, and you're trying to tell the girls that this is what they meant, and NOT that "no one remembers what happened for the DURATION of 5 years." if that's the case, then i'd just tweak my wording of the first post's first sentence "its not that they dont remmeber 5 years ago". The word "ago" implies an "instant in time" in english grammar, what you meant to say was "it's not that they dont remember anything for the last 5 years" or "since 5 years ago"


I corrected it , always thought it was a guy so thanks for clarifying 😁

Tristen O'Bannon

I love Ymir’s backstory so much. The theme of a second chance is very compelling. Excited to watch!!


*cue epic music* "I'm getting him back no matter what! Even if it means trading my life for it!" Why is this show so f***ing good?!


I'm itching to answer your questions... But I won't. Just two things: think about what Ymir said about those 60 years. And what Bertholt said when he asked her if she remembers who she ate.


2. the Ilse's notebook titan person was a woman, yeah short cut hair thats why I also earlier used to think that is just a beautiful guy. But no thats a woman. Also the proof of that is in her voice when she screams when injected on the wall. 4. The 5th OVA suits at this point because the one hint that was there in just one frame in the 1st part of the OVA, is now non spoiler as they are past Reiner and Bert secret. But anyway its hard to notice for 99% people while watching OVA. Project EMU, is same for me, like its now almost a ritual for me to watch it every few days or weeks. I think they can watch it now. I really want them to deep dive in AOT, because its a Universe in itself, there are so many trivia, easter eggs, great music, reveals, Corridor Crew animation videos for Titan real sizes etc. One trivia question to you: How do you think, Ymir felt the presence of Historia? (Hint: remember Historia reading the letter scene)

Sean Carroll

You are also misunderstanding my comment and there is no mistake in my English from my comment. The girls said something along the lines of “why don’t they remember 5 years ago”. I’m saying that for example, the characters had a short memory loss in 2019 but they didn’t forget the events of all of 2019. This is as plain as I can put it.


Thankfully, Attack on Titan answers all your questions, unlike so many anime that leave massive plot holes. Enjoy the ride knowing you will have all the answers at the perfect time. :)


It really floors me how many people to this day do not understand the depth of Ymir's character. She is one of my favorites!

- Natsukashii

its illegal to upload only 1 ep, should atleast be 2 ;P


Honestly, this never occurred to me, and I saw this episode so many times, thanks LOL!


nah u guys are definitely my new fav reactors.

Geno Montez

I love you guy’s reactions to this show.

DB (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-13 01:48:05 i still cant stand Ymir after all this time. Her goals seem so pointless. Anyway this part gets confusing so I recommend a couple rewatches. Next two are insane.
2024-02-13 00:37:34


Nah. Sean explained it correctly without confusion.


Call of Silence is one of the best songs off any soundtrack imo. It’s perfect on its own but in the context of the show it’s amazing. This episode had a lot of good foreshadowing as well. Context makes this episode that much better.

Zain kb

no spoiler but i wanted to say that a lot of people watching aot don’t understand Ymir’s character and think she’s just being a jerk and mean girl but she’s actually a selfless character, she put a selfish mask but her actions are the opposite of that. in this ep as u can see in her past she wanted to save all those people and took the blame by herself, she could have been honest and laid the blame upon the man who had picked her up, and made her a part of this sham. But she didn't. She still maintained her act, because she thought she could save those people, and they turned her into a titan. and when she had the chance to live again she said she will only live for herself but she still couldn’t do that. In first episodes of s1 When Sasha passed out, Ymir carried her back (her insistence that she wanted Sasha to owe her was just a silly excuse). and She purposely does badly in the exams so that Historia would be part of the top 10 graduates. She joins the Survey Corps just so she can protect her because she thought historia would go through the same things she faced, she thought they were similar. she revealed herself as a titan to protect historia and the others in the castle even tho it might be a problem for her if the survey corps or ppl inside the walls knew she kept it a secret this whole time. she also wanted historia to live by her real name and not to hide or please the people who wanted her to live by a fake name and identity, she wanted Sasha to act normal too and be herself and that she doesn’t need to be embarrassed of the village that she came from. she also did other things but i’m not gonna say it because it might be spoilers if u didn’t watch last two episodes of s2 i love her so much her story is very tragic 💔


Guys, you really should react to episodes 11 - 12 as a single vid. Trust me. Love your reactions. 😍

Charles Malo

I'd be careful with them just googling attack on Titan music though because of some music videos having too many references. But I think this is a safe one ( https://youtu.be/a6Fl1Xl1ogg?si=LfTxUtwZJMt_3lya) and my favorite AoT track , except for another specific one that we can't even name it because of the name

Charles Malo

I think maybe it's because from my perspective, it sounded like the girls were referring to a point in time and not duration. They even talked about it like an event "of maybe it's WHEN they attacked the wall" as opposite to *since*. But I digress. In the end we are both saying the same thing but we got mixed up on the semantics.

Charles Malo

I wouldn't say pointless. Her goal was to get historia out of there ...for reasons. Especially since Reiner and Bert grabbed eren so she thought they got the thing they wanted, which means historia is not safe in there. So she did everything to be there for her. Also. You're talking about a character who was indoctrinated as a child to pretend to be something she isn't and doesn't know what she is anymore but is trying to figure out how to live her life in truth and not lies. So her motivations here or pointless struggle is itself the character arc, not everyone has grandiose goals, some just want to live their second chance without being robbed of it again. Not to mention that because of what we know from later episodes. She knows that struggling against the people with the thing is pointless for historia and ymir herself, even if she chose to stay

Kink Baron

yea I agree, that's why I've said when they're done with the show. read again carefully. ;)


These reactions, make the show worth it for a 5th rewatch for me. Your reactions elevates the show’s intricate plot and realistic human interactions! I appreciate these reactions, unfortunately a few react with an open mind and ask the right questions to progress their own thoughts and understanding for the story to hit differently depending on how deep a reactors perception is.


i still cant stand Ymir after all this time. Her goals seem so pointless. Anyway this part gets confusing so I recommend a couple rewatches. Next two are insane!

Isac christensen

Damn it I am late again: The episode

Isac christensen

but nevertheless fantastic music and Ymir has a Beach episode all by herself

Roy Saw

So ymir turner back to human only when she ate one of Reiners friends ... Hmmmmmm I wonder why

Drift3r (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-15 13:48:50 The song for Ymir's backstory is called "Call of Silence". It was composed by Sawano Hiroyuki. He created a lot of the great music for AOT that you girls like. https://youtu.be/B-1ZzOp0UUA?list=PLUrC3g_R5X_aAIbtF9ltuZOXTkxrrMkPL
2024-02-15 04:25:05 The song for Ymir's backstory is called "Call of Silence". It was composed by Sawano Hiroyuki. He created a lot of the great music for AOT that you girls like. https://youtu.be/B-1ZzOp0UUA?list=OLAK5uy_lh6gKu2P9FllVQHdZ0VYzViR1k8VtvSro

The song for Ymir's backstory is called "Call of Silence". It was composed by Sawano Hiroyuki. He created a lot of the great music for AOT that you girls like. https://youtu.be/B-1ZzOp0UUA?list=OLAK5uy_lh6gKu2P9FllVQHdZ0VYzViR1k8VtvSro


The lyrics of the song "Call of silence" will make so much sense once you revisit it after knowing all of Ymir's character and story. Love the reactions btw 💕

Robbert Vosters

Pointless? She wants to protect everyone. She’s the most selfless character in the show