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"The Monster You Created"

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-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Jayson Phillips

you guys need to react to League of Legends 2021 championship opening ceremony It's Arcane themed and it's FIRE!!!


In episode 1, Ekko said of Jayce, "He paid in gold and didn't even haggle." In episode 9, Silco said of Jayce, "The boy didn't even haggle."


The music box with the sparklers at Vi's feet in the final scene is the "real Valdiani" that Powder stole from Jayce's lab in episode 1.


Silco's first and last words to Powder/Jinx are to comfort her after she killed one of her dads.


So, as someone once said, let's start at the beginning - Thoughts and observations: - All these (impossible) choices the characters had to face in this episode: Vi - Kill Caitlyn or you won't get Powder back. Silco - Protect Jinx or give her up and get the nation of Zaun. Viktor - Die or stay alive, but lose your soul. Mel Medarda - Let a war unfold and return to your family with a new weapon technology or stay loyal to Piltover (and Jayce) and try to save the cities. Jinx - Be Powder or be Jinx. Jayce - Negotiate peace with Silco or start a war and be responsible for everything that arises from the decision, including the deaths of lots of innocent people on both sides. - Viktor claimed that there is always a choice and technically he is right, but this episode showed that if the consequences of the given choices are too severe, than there is no real choice: -- Vi would never ever kill Caitlyn and even if she did, she never would have gotten Powder back. -- Silco likewise would never ever give Jinx up, the only thing he was always true about was his paternal love of Jinx. -- Jinx had locked what was left of Powder deep inside her. Even though she decided to embrace Jinx, there has never been a way for her to be Powder again. 😭 -- Viktor lost his will to fight for his life the moment he saw the prize others had to pay for it. -- Mel never forgot how her mother treated her and was hugely disappointed when she only reached out to benefit from her daughters success, not to mention Mels feelings for Jayce. -- Jayce saw first hand several times the costs of war and finally realised that would not be an option. - Viktor finally finding out about Skys feelings broke my heart. 💔😨 Once again the attention to details. When he holds her glasses, you can see her friendly smiling face behind them for a split second. The sound design, you always hear the metallic *tock*, *tock* when his artificial leg or hand touches the floor. And he proved his theory, that hextech evolves. Not only merged the hextech with his body, the hexcore also has some kind of remote connection to him. I wonder if he will loose himself in this new creature in the next season and become a new kind of human being. That is, if he survives at all. 🙏🙈 - When Viktor asked Jayce to destroy "it", Jayce looks at his hammer and nods - while Viktor was talking about the Hexcore. For the first time, seeing it's negative aspects, they get a feeling why Heimerdinger was so adamant about leaving the Arcane alone. Viktor by losing Sky and turning into some kind of hextech-human mixture, Jayce by seeing what harm an army with hextech weapons could cause to the people of the undercity. - The extreme relief on Silcos face! He wasn't sure whose side Sevika would take at all. Thats why he appealed to her. He may have looked at Finn, but his words about loyalty were clearly meant for Sevika. Her decision pro Silco was not that big surprise though. As Finn said, there are bigger fishes out there, but it was pretty clear he wasn't one of them. She told Silco as much when she said: "Not for a worm like him, but there will be others." She puts pressure on him to finally do what he promised or she will be gone. 🤔😄 - The sunset behind Jayce and Silco negotiating was just beautiful and symbolic at the same time: The sun goes down on both leaders and the cities they reign as we knew them. First it seems that Silco has the upper hand and maintaines an aura of superiority, but you see his eye slide when Jayce mentions Jinx. From this moment on, the dominance changes to Jayce and when Jayce said: "Get me Jinx and I give you your nation of Zaun", I couldn't help but thinking that just like that, he checkmated Silco. No matter what Silco will do now, he will lose. - The only positive thing happening in this episode is Heimerdingers arrival at the home of the firelights. Getting kicked out of the council was the best thing that ever happened to Heimerdinger, not least because it saved his life. Him and Ekko as a duo like Victor and Jayce actually have the potential to change the world for the better. 💖😊 - Silcos monologue at Vanders statue is one of the strongest moments of the entire show. Finally he understood Vander and made peace with him. Oh the pain of Jinx hearing those words from her father, you can see it in her shimmer eyes. 😭😭 - In the shot where the Vander statue is seen in full size and Silco sits in front of it, you can see a bit of Jinx' head behind Vanders shoulder, before it is revealed that she is there. It even moves slightly. In the close up, when Silco poors a drink for Vander, you can see that someone scratched Ekkos name into the base of the statue (my guess is, it was the young Ekko himself). I can not get over the perfect storytelling, the attention to tiny little details, it is so beautiful. 😭💖😊😍 - The second clash between Vi and Sevika was the definition of a cool fight. 🤯😱😎 It felt less "realistic" than their first brawl, but it was so spectacular. The way they directed it in a western-saloon-shootout-style gave me goosebumps and made my adrenaline go through the roof. The way Vis "inner" Vander got her back on her feet...✨👌😍😭😍 - The final scene of their fight mirrors the scene from the third episode, where Vi attacks the mutated Deckard from above with a big jump, only to get caught in his hand and get nearly choked to death. This time it is Sevika with the big jump from above who gets caught in the hextech shield of Vi and nearly dies. So if you ever get in a fight like this, avoid those big jumps at all costs...😅🤣 - The final confrontation of the sisters went so different from what I expected and it was so so heartbreaking. 💔😭 -- Once again - details: The little music box with the sparklers is the "real Valdiani" Powder stole from Jayce in episode one. 😍 -- Jinx is wrong and right at the same time. Despite what she believes, Vi - and I can't emphasize this enough - did NOT make Jinx, Powder made Jinx. Jinx was born that fateful day when two little girls went on a battlefield to look for their parents, she was just kept at bay as long as there was someone there for Powder who loved and protected her. Vi layed the ground though for Jinx to grow, by reacting the wrong way in a key moment. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame Vi for reacting the way she did at that moment at all, it just had awful consequences. That and her "inner" Vi that helped Jinx to survive, lead her to the conclusion that Vi created her. 😨😭 -- The moment I still can't talk about without my pulse rising dramatically. When Jinx came back with the platter I was convinced that Caitlyns head would be on it. -- Details: Take your time and look at the decoration on the table for every "guest", you see so many hints and nods to the characters, it's worth to freeze the screen for a moment or two. For example Vanders place - The chair he was bound to by Silco in episode three, his gauntlets, his pipe, the picture of Vander and the kids you saw hanging in the basement of the "Last Drop" in the first three episodes. Only now with the glass smashed, as if Jinx broke with Powders past. 😨 Jinx brought Vis gauntlets with her and painted them blue and purple, like her fingernails. For a split second we see Caitlyn like Vi memorized her, lying with her on the bed. -- Did you notice, Jinx said: "I paid your GIRLFRIEND a visit this morning". The only time anyone ever called Caitlyn that. -- How both Silco and Vi pull on Jinx/Powder to get her on on their side. The one time I was on Silcos side is when he desperately tries to stop Vi from torturing her sister by calling the names of her past. Vi can't know, but she triggers trauma after trauma and it tortures Jinx so much. For Vi these names are mostly connected with positive memories, but for Jinx it is just painful. Thats why he tries to shoot Vi, because he sees the pain it causes Jinx. It had the desired effect though, it prevented Jinx from killing Caitlyn. 😱😭 -- After killing Silco, you can see the exact moment where Jinx chooses to embrace Jinx and let Powder go. You can see the lights go out in her eyes and hear the voices in her head vanish. Not only did she kill her second (and most important) fatherfigure, it was also because of her shooting at the Mylo mannequin, that the glass got in reach of Caitlyn and gave her the opportunity to free herself and let the situation escalate. She fully believes now, that she actually is... a jinx. 😭😨🙈 The Shimmer made Jinx freakishly fast though, Caitlyn didn't stand a chance. -- The shimmer tear and the cry of anguish and hate, when she launched the rocket... 🤯 - Singed looks at a picture in a locket, that looks like the portrait of a blonde woman. Maybe the daughter he mentioned in the last episode? And what creature was hanging from his ceiling? You could see part of a bearded face and a claw... 🤔 - The agreement of the council to accept the negotiated conditions is too little, too late. Still it was a breakthrough for them, for once they didn't only decide for their own good. - They got !Sting! to sing the final song and he did a marvelous job, like every singer on the soundtrack. Freaking legen- - wait for it - -dary Sting! Goosebumps, goosebumps all over! 🤯😁💖✨👌


Sevika is one of my low-key favourite characters in the show because I think she exemplifies how Arcane puts so much thought and effort into every character, even secondary ones. In any other show she'd just be the henchman the heroes have to defeat before getting to the main villain, but in Arcane they give her depth and agency. She had a choice between Finn and Silco, but her loyalty is to the cause. She was loyal to Vander when he was leader of the Underground until he appeared weak, and she is not above betraying Silco either, but for all his mistakes and Jinx's complications he's still the best option to free Zaun, while Finn only cared about money. My predication for season 2 is that with Silco gone Sevika will have to step up and lead the Underground. She's not as cunning as Silco but it seems like she's a pretty feared and respected leader, like Vander was before he put up the gauntlets. The only hope for peace, and I don't think this will happen, is if Jayce and the surviving members of the council offer Sevika the same deal they gave Silco, independence in return for Jinx. I think Sevika would go for that, but I don't peace is going to be on the cards any time soon.


I really like Sevika too in her own way. She is at least as bad ass and tough as Vi. Yes, it is a testament to the quality of the writing of the show, that even a minor supporting character like Sevika gets real depth with only a few scenes. Another great example of that is Skys story arc. 😊 The only point I disagree with you is about her leadership qualitys. She is basically the Benzo of Team Silco. He too was respected and even feared, but he lacked the charisma of Vander. The same goes for Sevika and Silco. As I said in another comment, she is a fighter, not a politician. And you have to be a politician to some degree, to lead successfully. I think she knows that and will look for the next person who fights for her cause. You do not want Sevika to lead Zaun, you want her to lead the army that fights for Zaun. 🤔 And in my eyes she isn't a traitor. She was unabashedly open to Vander and changing sides to Silco was only consequent. She was open and upfront the same way to Silco. As you said, she is loyal to the cause, not to a person. Alas. we have to wait and see what the writers have in store for us. 😅🙂

Ilsuk Yang

Man, that final scene! Beautiful, picturesque, heartbreaking, just all the adjectives! 😭😭😭 Everything was about to be fine, then boom! Love that they cut out right before we actually see an explosion! These showrunners know what they're doing! I remember being simultaneously excited and mad that they did this to us! Such a brilliantly executed moment, but to leave us like that?!? And leave us waiting 2 years (gonna be 3 by the time season 2 comes around)?!? Come on! Just wow! I never get over this finale! Also, Mel choosing Jayce and Piltover over her mom is a really good moment, too. She's essentially saying that her mom told her about her feelings for her too late, which I totally get. Accidentally killing that boy seemed to bring Jayce back to his senses, not just in the moment, but to his personal core. That conversation between him and Viktor, just another great moment in a packed finale!


Your words remind me of episode 3: "Everything was about to be fine, then boom!" 😂🙈😭