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You'll need to sync up your own copy of the episode in order to watch along with us. Watched on Amazon Prime. Open 2 windows, one with our reaction and one with the video, then arrange them how you see fit! Press Play on "Go".

We use a watch along format in order to comply with copyright laws.
Thanks so much for your support here on Patreon! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕


Billy Dancel

What to do when I see a post at 11pm and I don’t have to work in the morning? 3..2..1.. go!


Snip Snip is a medical bot (known as a Mr Orderly). Robots in Fallout often have their programming altered by their owners, but they typically retain some of the original programming. So Snip Snip still had his original medical programming to heal people. So those routines run first. That's why he fixed Lucy before harvesting organs. Also why he has the bedside manner "where you from? Never been there myself, hope to visit some day". It's old programming logic.

Anna Kyruin

"It's giving me burnt biscuit and a warm glass of milk" I was born in Texas and that's way more Texas than anything I say XD.

Jake from SF

So, I'm watching this for the first time along with you guys but with ads. Right after Lucy killed Martha it cut to an Applebee's commercial with DMXs. Song "yall gonna make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here". 🤣


About died laughing at yall with the water breaking scene, "I'm un COMFYYYYY"😭💀

Nadeem L

Omg, your reactions to the "Burt Scene" OMG LMAO hahahaha! Ahhhh the awkwardness, just your faces lollll. Honestly, I sometimes go back and watch specific things for strong emotion like the first time Zenitsu did Thunder breathing, AoT S1Ep5, the Stone Breathing scene and now THIS loll, omg Haylee your eyes at that part lmao I cant They mustve had so much fun writing it, it was so perfect, and the subtext beneath the dialogue *Chefs Kiss*, filling in Burt's shoes, pure comedy Every single plotline in this show is amazing. Loved, loved, loved the mystery aspect of it - Norm and Chet teaming up and going on a scooby-doo thing. A lot of shows get bogged down around the middle and just invent contrived, irrelevant conflict to manufacture tension and try to keep the audience's attention, not this. Every episode is gripping in some way. Super excited for the next ones and thank you for this EXCELLENT reaction!!


No no, you're on to something. They should be called pip bo's.

Rainy Days

"There it is.." "Ohh boy😵‍💫" "There it is 😑" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I cringed so hard at that Bert scene