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E131 - The First Patient! the Untold Story of the Rumble Ball!

This was SO sweet and adorable. We're super glad that we watched this. It definitely opened our hearts up to Robin more, plus we always love us some Chopper! In case you missed it, we did watch this ep before 144 & 145 we were just unable to get it edited in time to include it yesterday. Sorry that it's a bit out of order for you! Thanks so much for all of your love and support here on Patreon. Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



you can always watch the intro! sure people will get mad because of spoilers i personaly love intro's they seem like a trailer for the upcoming season and if i am enjoying the song hearing it every time before an episode makes me even connect more with the show

Alexander Rosario

The "... "They're my friends", I can't wait for that moment." Hoo boy. You'll get it alright, but you won't be ready 😅