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You'll need to sync up your own copy of the episode in order to watch along with us. Watched on Crunchyroll. Open 2 windows, one with our reaction and one with the video, then arrange them how you see fit! Press Play on "Go".

We use a watch along format in order to comply with copyright laws.
Thanks so much for your support here on Patreon! Until the next one!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Pepperoni Pony .

If it hasn't been mentioned before, Jougo's VA is Shigeru Chiba who you may recognize as Zenitsu's grandfather from Kimetsu no Yaiba and another character from One Piece who you can probably guess on your own!


Really enjoying rewatching this 🤘🏻


cliffhanger 😩


What Megumi did there was reach into his own shadow. Last episode Sukuna had explained how adaptable his technique was since he summons shikigami from his shadow/shadows. He's always pulled his shikigami from shadows but this was the first time he's ever reached into a shadow himself. So he's just now opened more doors in terms of the adaptability of this technique :)


Fun Fact: When Itadori was talking with Gojo, and he was bummed out about not having cursed techniques, he was actually naming off actual special attacks/abilities from other characters in other popular anime. Its a cool little easter egg that you'd only catch if you've seen those shows.

Nadeem L

I remember being so shocked and saddened at the restaurant scene, that's the first time I was like, wow, this isn't for kids - not that there weren't serious moments before, but I guess it had crossed into that 'disturbing' territory. Oddly enough, no matter what happens in an ep, I always jam to that song at the end lol Btw, when Yuji turned into paper and was freaking out on the floor in front of Gojo, all the stuff he was saying, "I wanted to fire off a power bomb...etc, etc" all of those are techniques or finishing moves from other very popular manga/anime like Dragonball Z or Bleach...etc, a nice easter egg


Same here, that's the first time that it goes to unsettling territory and I remember being creeped out by all that

Nadeem L

Yeah, seeing main characters get offed, even in some gruesome way isnt so uncommon, but seeing a bad guy kill innocent people like that was definitely unsettling - especially since the tone of the episode as a whole was somewhat light hearted


Tuesday can't come fast enough!!!

Lucky Khaya

It's almost time for Kiss to switch daddies from Sukuna to Gojo!