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"Children Of The Forest"

Mr. and Mrs. Braus are national treasures 😭💖🥔
That was some of the best dialogue in our opinion so far. So meaningful and haunting! LOVED everything about this episode. We're on the edge of our seats for the next one. Thanks for watching with us!
-Haylo & Kiss 💕



Becca d

This episode always brings a tear to my eye 🥲

Xanakone SPT

This ep is insane fr

Sean Carroll


Randy Flash

Remember when we felt like Sasha's death was random and unnecessary? Isayama is too good of a writer for that lol everything in this show, every scene, dialogue, scenario, flashback are pieces of such a wonderful puzzle that we get to assemble. Turning her death into the focal point of Gabi's character development is to me a writing masterpiece. She is living it thru Sasha's alleged Marleyan love interest who was supposed to be on her side, her "devilish" but forgiving parents... the mourning friends who still save her life... and Kaya who surrenders easily to an attempt of irreversible violence due to the desire of seeking revenge (basically Gabi's mirror). The story is just well put together

Erwin Smith

One of my favorite episodes of my favorite season. The dialouge between the characters in this season are so delicious and parallels our world so exceptionally.


Hi Erwin Smith, how is the afterworld?


@Haylo&Kiss, we had to wait for an year before we got second part and then an year for 3rd part, then 7 or so months for part 4.

Katelynn Gonzales

Omg 😆 love y’all’s reactions especially when the “to be continued” showed up on the screen


Fan theory; Sasha's last words were "Niku" (Meat), maybe she was asking for one last meal, or maybe it was a cute name she had for Niccolo.


Best episode hands down. A suffocating moment between Nicolo, Gabi, Mr. Braus and Kaya. The realization, betrayal and confrontation squeezed into a breaths take. To have all parties gathered for such a occasion. #EmotionalDamage Perfectly Executed 👏


"The only thing [he's] ever gonna be king of is king of the stupids!" - Shrek 3


Oooh! Kiss was talking about the episode. At first I thought she was announcing to all of us that she is a cult leder.


Floch is a well written character, and he can be impressive at times, but I'll never understand how this douche has so many fans. Then again, if you think about it, I suppose the same thing could be said for every unlikable, obnoxious, punchable character in fiction (or person in reality).

Erwin Smith

Great!! Sasha is somehow eating all the unlimited food and Mike is creeping people out by sniffing them, but it's pretty nice. Just watching one of my favorite reactors experience this beautiful story.


Floch is the epitome of what a weak man thinks a strong man is. As long as weak men exist, there will always be fans of Floch.

Rex Tan

@12:52 Hayley's pouting face is so adorable I cant 😂



James Williams

This season is so different from the others. Like there is still mystery but this time it feels like I won’t find hope with the answers.


Or that she wanted a last meal with him? Only a fan theory but omg I love that!

Ajinkya Athlye

You are some of the sharpest reactors I've watched, and a big chunk of that quality is attributed to your empathy for the characters and your own moral compass aligning with the show's message. A lot of us here are for that display of empathetic entertainment, so it would be great to hear your thoughts a bit more in depth at the end of such philosphical episodes!


Nope. Actually Gabi was freaking terrified of Eren now that he was right there. All her bravery went out the window.


the shocked look on gabi's face the whole time...why does no one understand...and why are the devils not devils...and why dont they hate me...so brainwashed but shes starting to see...they are not all devils. her whole identity is based on being a "good" one...she is completely like erin...shes just getting into the "and then i went across the sea and stayed with those people and eat their food and slept under their roof...and they are not all evil devils" phase Sasha's Dad is so good...and so is Sasha...good people come from good people...especially when looking at kids..they havent grow up to figure things out or question anything yet


King Floch!!!!


Bro this episode is a freakin masterpiece, chills even having seeing it like 400 times

Eric H

Yup. Sasha's death didn't mean she was out of the story. Her character gets more play in the story by being a memory and being a lens to focus the story through. Her character is dead but her story gets better and her spirit lives on through everyone she touched, profoundly changing the events of the story moving forward. It wasn't cheap shock value Walking Dead-style.

Eric H

Having Kaya, the child, attack Gabi really drives the metaphor home. It's the children who lash out in anger, and the adults being responsible holding them back. "Gotta keep the kids out of the forest"

Reginald Leandre

Everytime yall post a video i want more

Reginald Leandre

Thats not the first time this show has done that too. It did it with the marleyan police guy with the dogs. He directly spoke to the audience and then when it was his turn to die everyone cheered proving his point. Humans. Want. To. See. Violence.

Kink Baron

Well the next episode will shock you. You'll start seeing Ereh in a new light

Jer emy

floch :o


Mr and Mrs Braus are truly the best humans in this whole show. Imagine just forgiving your daughter's murderer because you have the stop the cycle somehow. Chills every time.


Sasha's dad's speech is beautiful. Always gets me choked up

Jake the Movie Geek

At the ending I think Gabi is more terrified than anything.

Jake the Movie Geek

Exactly dude! Gabi is freaking awesome with the story and “perspective” her character brings to the overall story. I mean Gabi right now just can’t believe what’s going on. Even in her messed up mind I think Gabi would think it’s justified for Sasha’s dad to kill her because it is straight up revenge. But the fact that he doesn’t and asks if she’s alright just breaks her mind.

Jake the Movie Geek

Exactly. Sasha’s death probably has the most weight because of everything that it’s done to the story and also revealing the overall message of AOT.

Jake the Movie Geek

So many people have already commented it. But Gabi’s character arc here is so freaking good! The way that Sasha’s dad doesn’t seek revenge and even asks Gabi if she’s okay. Gabi, in her manipulated mind, can’t comprehend what’s going on. Her reality or perspective is literally cracking. And I think Gabi still accepts seeking revenge so Sasha’s dad seeking revenge for Gabi killing his daughter would make sense in Gabi’s mind. But the fact that he didn’t is just so good. And I do love how Kaya, the first Island Devil to be nice to her, is the one who tries to take revenge. Kinda pushes the story that you shouldn’t place a generation’s sins on another.

j m

that intro cult clip was wild ngl lmao


I think you guys should do reactions to new intros into this show :))

Guillermo Rodriguez

I think so too, it’s like if I hated this bear and wanted to really kill it, but out the cuts it just appears behind me so I freeze cause it’s a fucken bear right?, and it’s no ordinary bear it can change into an attack freedom seeking war hammer creating giant that will swat me like a fly if I try… 😝


Nop the team the world wants to annihilate already 🤔


media literacy is hard guys i know, but you know the whole point of the show is that no one side is truly innocent in conflict, and both sides contribute to a never-ending cycle of hatred, and the jeagerists literally epitomize the point that Isayama is trying to convey to your dumbasses

Corey Hughes

Such a small detail, but the way Gabi gasps when she sees the way Mr. and Mrs Braus are looking at her... Heartbreaking!