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E50 - Usopp Vs. Daddy the Parent! Showdown at High!
E51 - Fiery Cooking Battle? Sanji Vs. the Beautiful Chef!

Loving these! Let us know the best way to handle the upcoming filler! Thanks for watching with us and we'll see you on the next one! Full Length will be up soon.
-Haylo & Kiss 💕




This was filler, but for others you can good "one piece filler list" and there are things that tell you filler or anime cannon etc. Use those lists for ones to skip


Skip "anime cannon" as thats filler because it wasnt in the manga


www.animefillerlist.com/shows/one-piece Only do manga cannon episodes plz :D otherwise you could be years before watching them all


Please skip the filler Episodes, they are mostly mediocre compared to the rest of OP


This is the filler list I've used: https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/one-piece The filler ones you can just safely skip, it doesn't have any impact on the main series. For the rest, you can decide what approach you want to take. If you just want to do manga canon then there's the list of those or mix it up a bit.


this was anime canon which basicaly means filler. it wasnt in the manga and it didnt move the story forward. if u want to move forward faster u can skip anime canon episodes like these in the future.


Skip the fillers that are 54 to 60. But, if you can watch episode 55 from 02:40 to 07:35, it reveals some important canon information.


Hello Ladies again hehehe 😁 PS: Personally, I don't care if it's a filler chapter or not, what I like and you already know, is your way of connecting with the stories and transmitting the emotions you feel at every moment.


I think there are already enough episodes to watch without fillers. My main hype for your reactions comes from the awesome main story events. As much as I like one piece, I could definitely do without the filler, especially for a re-watch. Imo they break the flow of the main story. So, long story short, skip the filler :D


A+ Chu impression btw haha

Green Hog

Filler episodes still carry so much meaning and foreshadowing. There’s always a few jewels on every episode.


It's weird there is a thing as "anime cannon". If mangaka contradicts it later, the anime would have to follow suit anyways. LOL,


Filler episodes in OP is horrid as is in every other anime. Skip skip skip


I for one enjoy even the filler Story Arcs, which stop getting interspersed in the show to buy time for Oda to gain a lead on the manga around the late 300s. Then Toei instead starts to use stretch fillers and slows down the chapter to episode adaptation rate to 1:1. That's probably a good time to switch to One Pace. But Filler Story Arcs in One Piece contain great character moments, hilarious jokes, adorably cute scenes, and fun crew shenanigans. Ones that puritanical filler skippers don't even know they're missing out on, though they'll still advise someone else to skip. They're only robbing themselves. When the end is in sight, you'll miss these lighthearted laid back days with the straw hats, and filler story arcs are full of those moments.

Paul Cranie

You can kinda say this almost all the time in One Piece but shit is about to hit the fan.



This surprisingly happens a lot, like naruto adjusted some things in its run, even onepunch man has done it because one filler character in the anime was popular. Donesnt happen a lot with one piece though, minus the early stuff, because oda is consulted on literally everything one piece


Tbh skip all anime cannon and filler arcs you can. There's currently around 1000 non-filler episodes, so if your watching anime cannon at a pace of 6-7 episodes a week... thats 3 years to catchup... or close to 4 if you count the amount of episodes that would air while you're catching up :D Is a good journey but you just need to be prepared for it :D


Lmao, Carissa's smug face at 13:27 when she said "did a shrimp fry this rice"


https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/one-piece you should use this list and only watch the manga canon and mixed canon/filler episodes. By the way, 54-60 coming up are filler so skip them.


Many people here are saying this is filler, but when it comes to episode 50, this isn't really the case. Yes, it's not in the manga, but Oda wanted it to be. It just didn't fit, because he wanted to reach the Grandline with chapter 100. So it's canon-ish


Oda created Daddy Masterson and he was intended to be part of the story. Just didn't fit time wise


they are clearly seriously having a great time and loving these filler episodes. why are you guys insisting they skip it… my goodness its frustrating.

Mike Drop

The show is fucking 1000+ episodes long. Let them enjoy it at their pace, and whatever they want to include in that journey. It's some weird entitled addict behavior to bitch and moan about episodes that came out 20 years ago. Be quiet and be patient, this is a process of years, get used to it.


93 & 213-216 are listed as anime canon, even though they literally have content from the manga, which will leave them confused, if they skip them. Just let them watch everything green, anime canon eps just make up 0.02% anyway.


No ones complaining, they literally asked our opinion on what filler to skip 💀


Please don't skip the green "anime canon" ones (such as these 2 eps) & just watch everything that is not "filler"/red. That site is not 100% perfect & will list episodes, that actually contain 10% of manga canon content, as "anime canon" regardless, which can leave you confused, if you skip them.


The guidance I was seeing when I was watching was to skip all filler EXCEPT the G8 arc, which comes later. Otherwise, using the filler guide that was linked in an earlier comment is the way to go. Honestly though, just do whatever you feel like doing! My personal take is that filler episodes can be fun but usually feel like a letdown compared to the main story material. G8 is an exception though, genuinely great filler arc lol.


As for exceptions from the "filler"/red episodes, that are worth watching: - 55 (–08:00) -> 61 (13:00–) are canon - 102 (very good filler) - 131-135 (good filler) - 196-206 (best filler)

Robbie Medica

Bro like 5 percent of episodes are filler. It's not gonna make a huge difference.


yea thats why i reccomend one pace https://onepace.net/watch its the anime but fan edited to match the manga and be a more accurate adaptation cutting out a lot of filler and slow pacing fixing editing etc


Exactly. Unfortunately, filler lists don't take details like that into account. 😔


With a few exceptions, I think One Piece filler is quite enjoyable. It's a shame that so many people feel differently (often times without ever tuning in themselves).


Truthfully, I don't understand why people insist that reactors skip "filler" to begin with. Viewers can avoid the reactions to episodes they don't like. No one is forcing people to re-watch episodes they don't wanna see. However, by asking the reactors to skip something, you're essentially preventing others (people who DO wanna watch those "filler" episodes) from seeing the reactions. Also, I'm seeing a lot of "filler lists" being shared in the comments. Those often lack context and encourage people to skip content that may have been worth watching. And, if we're being honest, most anime episodes have "filler" in them (depending on the definition of "filler" that you use), because anime is a different medium from still-frame manga panels. It would be difficult to adapt a manga by only animating what you see in the panels. I've never understood why people judge an episode based on the amount of "filler" it has, often times without ever giving it a chance. Shouldn't the most important factor be whether an episode was entertaining? Considering all the stigma towards "filler" content, I almost think we risk sabotaging their enjoyment by labeling episodes as "filler" or "canon" before they've watched it.

Ben Asay

Most of it flows with the traveling so it doesn't feel out of place, just the content can mostly be less desirable than the main story. This filler felt just fine. G8 filler is my favorite besides the 2 episode one after zou I think. I really don't care either way. I like that there's some day-to-day type adventure stuff and it's not as much as other shows.

Ben Asay

The only reasons I enjoy them are because they flow with how the characters travel instead of being a random out of nowhere thing, also it's great to have more time with the crew just being themselves. Don't get me wrong, it's exciting going through the story. I'm excited to see their journey.😎


Why rush a good thing? In my opinion, so long as they're having fun, it shouldn't matter how long the journey lasts. Besides, later episodes get shorter (as I'm sure you know), so that math isn't necessarily correct. After a certain point, when recaps get longer, I've noticed that most reaction channels increase the number of episodes per week.

Adam Aucoin

I would watch the filler personally as I think they are funny stories and I enjoy watching the crew in these situations. But If you do skip thats ok. Just dont skip G8 filler arc 196-206. Its a really good filler arc.

Max Morton

Personally, I'm not a fan of One Piece material not written by Oda. The one exception for me is the G8 arc. That being said, it's not like I'll stop being a patreon member if you continue to watch the fillers. Do whatever you think is fun.

Hassan Allawala

G8 is the only filler arc that I still remember even after 1099 episodes, just don’t skip that one please. There is a certain favourite character from that arc whom you will probably love too 😂


Only bc there’s already 1000+ episodes of the actual story to get through


The first filler arc is episodes 54-60. My personal recommendation is to watch it just to get a taste of what the non-Oda written content is like, and whether you enjoy it, plus another reason. That being, uniquely among filler arcs, there is actually one episode that includes canon content mixed in. Thankfully they didn't really repeat this mistake going forward, but it does mean you'd miss the info. It's not crazy important and will probably be talked about later, so it's up to you if you wanna skip. After that, most filler arcs are self contained and can be skipped no issue if you don't want to watch more filler. You might also see some people calling these episodes filler, but that's not entirely accurate. Some arcs have "filler" content added in, often at the direction of Oda, which is entirely separate from entire filler arcs. Don't worry too much about these, if you do intend to skip filler, just skip the filler arcs themselves, it's too much hassle to seek out every episode that they added stuff to.

Proto Mundi

tbh I like the fillers and movies even when they are non canon, because I just love to spend more time with my favourite pirate crew. I would only skip the summary episodes and the movie ones if you don't intend to watch the specific movie


I know everyone hates on fillers, but these are my two favorite fillers so I'm pretty glad y'all watched them


Look at all these filler whining baby's. Discard their cries and follow the crew all the way to the 🔝 Filler up 🍺🍻☺


Skippable upcoming fillers.


I like the filler arcs. They add to the world building and connection to the characters imo


I'm so glad you included these episodes, especially the Usopp episode! I feel like Usopp gets less moments than the rest of the Strawhats, so it's always nice to see him get some attention. And that episode is an example of good filler, imo. As far as filler, some is better than others. The G8 arc is honestly fantastic. The one coming up that others have mentioned wasn't one of my favorites, especially as it's long and you just wanna get to the Grand Line at that point. I would skip it for now, just watching the section others pointed out as canon. You could always come back and watch it later as a Patreon exclusive or something.

Irene coates

I like fillers personally but this is your channel you guys decide how you wish to proceed- some is better than others but I just love watching the straw hats 😁 really enjoying your reacts!


As you can tell from episode quality, I hope this is the last filler you guys watch, but it's your channel. You guys do you I guess, but just like this episode, you will never see these characters again so kinda pointless


100% agree, filler arcs are flat out waste of time. Skip all filler/anime canon and only focus on Manga Canon


From episode 54 to 61 is the filler saga. There is 2 canonic parts you have to watch in this episodes. 1) Episode 55 from minute 2:40 to 7:40 2) Secon half of episode 61, from minute 13:10


It's totally fine to skip fillers but be sure to know what IS and ISN'T filler. There's been some stuff in the past that people have considerd filler but ended up actually being pretty important.


I mean, there are plenty of characters that never get seen again even in canon. I don't think that's the best reason to skip. Besides, the character Daddy Masterson was created by Oda (but had to be excluded from the manga due to time constraints), so I don't think "filler" is the best description here. Maybe anime canon?


@Salt -- You could skip their reactions to filler episodes, though. Unfortunately, if they don't watch the episode, those of us who were interested don't get to see a reaction.


@Mojira -- You could skip their reactions to filler episodes, though. Unfortunately, if they don't watch the episode, those of us who were interested don't get to see a reaction.


I'm surprised to see how many people skip One Piece episodes, movies, specials, and OVAs when the series has so much to offer. If you're only interested in seeing stuff from the manga, wouldn't it make sense to read the manga instead? Especially in recent years, the anime's pacing has gotten pretty slow. You could avoid the "filler" content by just sticking to the manga volumes instead of needing to identify specific anime timestamps or follow online guides.

Daniel Atkinson

I use One Pace just because I wana see the Manga animated with music and voice acting. The filler stuff is cute and can be pretty decent later on but its absolutely kills the pacing of the main story. Plus im 33, work full time and I gotta squeak in an episode or two when I can. I think if I were younger id go for the full fat One Piece experience.

Stick Haul

there’s always a chance that we’ll see canon characters again, but filler characters are guaranteed to vanish

Spike Spiegel 28

Now I am only about half way through all the episodes but I gotto say a lot of the so called fillers usually end up just giving more background information and depth to the characters. And sofar more often than not the information from the fillers turned out to be rather important details a in the future. So only one sofar I know off that most people think that can be skipped is the one where they have the Davey Back fight but than again I am only half way through and don't know if that somehow played a role in the current arcs and episodes again also there are some rumors to when it might come back but thats just that rumors.

Janderson Bezerra

Look at this girls. https://www.amazon.com/One-Piece-Pirate-Recipes-Sanji/dp/1974724468

John Paul

Just joined and gotta say you two are my favorite one piece reactors. These fillers were good. But when you love a series so much it’s hard to skip episodes even when they are fillers.


G8 is probably the only filler i’d really recommend, the rest is def skippable if you want