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Nanami really wants her creamy treat~

White - https://mega.nz/file/6IRkVTAD#Ps8S-KcZrkcMQj42-cxiYvDtaYlB1jDrBSvnu_DtBJU
Black - https://mega.nz/file/Xd4niJ4D#qPUdW5f13jYbxauoSC5W2WE-6JW7rng51jSoxtthoBg
Naked - https://mega.nz/file/yN4WgKBT#wiZcvVfR81qH_2AWx0OWk7CDRbr3beoaGfNG4Pzzl2I
Links replaced with audio!

It's finally done! This is my most ambitious animation to date and... honestly, it feels nice to achieve everything I've set out to do with it. The cum especially is gonna open up a world of possibilities. Creampies are great, but they always add another 10-15 seconds to an animation. That and my lack of knowledge in regards to fluid sims has kept me away for the most part.
Feeling a lot more confident about longer animations now too, though there's always room for improvement. I've gone one-shot (as in, no cuts to different angles) with this and it's probably not something anyone, other than cinema nerds, cares about, but it was an important learning experience, a flex on myself, at least. Now I gotta learn to animate with more camera angles in mind, that's the plan for the next longer anim.

Going forward, I'd like to do longer animations more often, around the same length, no more than 90 seconds total for now. If it's too long, it's gonna be a real pain to have a good consistency to the animation and overall polish.
Then we'll have the usual, shorter animations - some ideas do just fine in that format. And certain models and environments cause my PC too much pain (especially for threesomes) for me to work with them for too long as well.
Speaking of plans: I have an idea for another longer DoA anim already. Primrose will get something shorter. We'll see what comes next.

Well, that's enough rambling for now. Enjoy and stay lewd!




I think the lighting is a bit....off, kinda like your Shandy's Ride. But overall this is great.


Is there anything specifically bugging you? To be honest, lighting is a lot harder for me to judge than motion, so any input is much appreciated. I see her hand is a bit overexposed when she goes for the balls, is that related?


Great work, I hope it goes on like this. I'm very grateful that it is made to last and that it has audio. Sorry for my poor English.