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  • Nanami bj_19_1328-1608.mp4



Nanami is almost done! Pretty much only have to polish the whole anim... all 60 seconds of it. Can't believe how long it took - and how long I managed to actually keep working on it. Two weeks is usually when I run out of steam and just want to finish the animation, not to mention that I find it difficult to come back to a project after working on something else, but something about this kept me going. The first test render dates back to February 22nd, yikes. And now, if it won't be finished by this weekend, she'll be done early next week.

My solution for cum is Blender's built-in fluid sim, mantaflow. Can't say it feels very nice to use, or that it's very stable, or that there's any redeeming factors about it... but, if you're stubborn enough to figure out how all the different settings fuck you over in tandem, it can be worked with. Just very carefully. I think I'll be able to do cum more often after this though. Maybe more creampies coming in the future?

In other news, Primrose won the poll on subscribestar and Dark Elf took the one here. Primrose got the most votes overall - and it seems we're headed straight towards some OL action! I'm kinda surprised that Lucy got only 1 (one) vote though. Edgerunners was nice and I think she's one of R2 Studio's nicer-looking models. Anyway, not my problem. If I don't get cockblocked by anything unfixable while I'm finishing Nanami, Primrose will most likely have to wait a little bit. 

That's it for now! Have fun, take care, etc, etc. I still have no idea how to finish these posts. 💦




It is really difficult to achieve the effect of ejaculation, thank you for your hard work!