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The next Live Q & A in the deluxe Discord will be this Sunday, February 23rd at 10 am. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

If you haven't joined -- instructions are included below.


Below are the steps to join the server:

1. Go to your profile settings by clicking on your account avatar in the upper right. 

2. Click on "Apps" at the top of the screen 

3. Under App Integrations, connect to Discord

4. Log in to (or create) a Discord account -- Patreon should automatically show you the Thinking Basketball patreon and connect you based on your membership tier. Full details can be found here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role-#h_a3a13f16-01d6-4e71-8040-fc3b91183ed7



Where is the discord?


Thank you so much, I'm in the discord now.


Ben, if we're unable to attend live, can we submit a question for consideration beforehand? If so, I'd love to understand the logistics of how you watch film, as you've watched hundreds of hours. Granular as you're willing to get. Things like: - What archives do you access? YouTube? Other websites? Old VHS tapes? - What video software do you use? Just a basic media player that you pause and play on? Other more specialized applications? - What sorts of notes are you taking? Do you have a key area you're looking to focus on? Do you first watch for general impressions, or do you immediately hone in on what you're targeting? Are you creating play-by play timestamps to summarize the game for future reference? Any insight behind the curtain would be welcome. From my vantage point, as someone who loves the game and watches it only a hair more closely than casually, the process of watching film on my own for fine level research seems totally opaque, and I'd love to get a grasp of what it looks like on the ground. All I can think to approach is would be going to YouTube, and hoping I find something useful and then glean something from it. But perhaps there are more efficient ways to go about it, for a newbie or more experienced would-be analyst. Thanks in advance for any insight you might offer, on the Q&A or perhaps else if it's an appropriate topic for YouTube or the podcast. Cheers Ben.