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George certainly hadn’t expected that! Still, he should have known enough about him to expect the unexpected. After all, he knew Jerry was a pretty unusual guy, even by seventies’ standards.

They had known each other for a couple of years. They had met at the record shop that George worked, Jerry had just arrived in town and had quickly become a regular customer. They had clicked very quickly – Jerry was an interesting character. Even though he was still in his early twenties, he had travelled all around the country and even Canada with some musician friends of his, he wrote poetry and short stories which weren’t half bad and he was very well read. George had been impressed by this younger man’s curiosity, friendliness and general lust for life.

They had become friends… with benefits.

George would come to Jerry’s pad and they would talk endlessly, smoke grass or pop pills, have pretty good sex and generally have a good time. Every so often, Jerry would have a friend from out of town visiting and they were always interesting characters to meet – and sometimes have a threesome with.

But on that day, when Jerry opened the door, George was greeted by a very unusual sight. There was a man standing in the corner of the room, facing the wall, like an errant schoolboy. He was naked except for a collar and his hands were tied behind his back with what looked like manacles. George couldn’t see his face but the man’s close-cropped hair was grey, which meant he must be quite a bit older than him.

“Friend of yours?” George asked, trying to sound as cool as he could.

“Oh, you mean him?” Jerry answered, pretending to just now be noticing the older man behind him. “Don’t pay attention, he’s just a slave.”

George knew that more information wouldn’t be forthcoming, at least not right away. Jerry enjoyed being mister mysterious and George knew that the more questions he asked, the more time it would take for Jerry to answer them. His friend would have to be in the right mood. But as he went past the man on his way to the couch, George stole a glance at him and saw that he was indeed older, perhaps in his fifties, with a big bushy moustache and… something on his cock that looked like a metal cage?

This was going to be a very interesting evening.



Max Roper

Does sound like an "interesting evening" is ahead for the boys. Also for the captive, who I believe is a professor from one of Jerry's classes. The Prof bet Jerry would fail, but Jerry surprised him. Amazing what a lad can accomplish with a bit of motivation.