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Jake and Vince knew what they were in for when they had agreed to have that poker game. They were playing for high stakes indeed but they were confident that, being consummate poker players, they had a pretty good chance of winning. And what that guy was offering to the winners was good enough money to take a few risks. I mean, he had a reputation of being very good. Very good. But he couldn’t really be that good, could he?

Turned out he was.

And so, Jake and Vince had lost to the guy and now they had to pay the price. Oh, it wasn’t money. They’d known that from the start. They sort of supposed it had to do with sex, but in what way exactly, they didn’t know. The guys who had lost to him in the past hadn’t been very talkative. Could it really have been that bad? After all, the losers didn’t look worse for the wear.

After they’d lost, Jake and Vince had been ordered to strip down to their undies. Their hands had been tied behind their back and as they had started to protest, their mouths had been taped shut with several rolls of tape. Now all they could do was grunt and grumble. Then they were taken down to the basement garage where they were left after being told that they wouldn’t have to wait for long for what was next.

“What was next?”, indeed, they wondered. The two men exchanged worried glances. They knew that nothing too bad was going to happen to them, but still… it was a pretty weird situation they found themselves in. And all through their own doing, really. They had clearly underestimated their adversary. Being nearly naked and unable to communicate with each other made them feel vulnerable. They certainly hadn’t expected that. No wonder those other guys who had lost hadn’t wanted to talk about what had been done to them. Nobody would brag about finding themselves in that kind of situation.

Suddenly, they heard some noise from upstairs. Jake and Vince exchanged one more glance that meant “brace yourself”. Now they were going to find out what the stakes had been.




While posting this, I had a message from Patreon saying "it looks like you might be promoting a raffle". I guess that the website is on the lookout for certain key words which might point to unwanted content, so fair enough. But no, this isn't a raffle or a contest - just a story about gambling and the consequences of losing. ;)

Christian Carbone

I would love to play poker with these stakes