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Now, for a surprise, that was a surprise. André knew that his friend Marcel had always been into S&M, but here he was showing him his slave. 

“But how did you get him?” André asked. “And how…?”

“How did I make him a slave? Marcel answered with a note of pride in his voice. “Well, both answers are related, you see. He was just a homeless drifter who was begging in the area. I’d given him a bit of money, on and off. And we had started talking. He told me about his hard life on the streets. He really hated it. After a while, he admitted he would be ready to do anything to get off the streets. So, I finally invited him to come to my place and offered him a deal. I would take him in, feed him and care for him, but he would be my slave.”

“And he agreed?”

“Well, at first he wasn’t too sure. So, I told him that he could walk out any time, any moment. He just had to say so and he would be free. But he could never come back.”

Marcel looked at the old man kneeling in front of he and his guest.

“At first, I went easy on him. He would just have to be naked and manacled all the time and I’d use him for sex. But you know what? Turned out he liked it.”

“I can see that,” André noted, looking at the quite visible erection of the kneeling slave. “So, what turns him on? The sex? The humiliation?”

“Everything,” Marcel laughed. “The more I use him, the more I beat him and spank him and make him walk on all fours, the more he likes it.”

“How interesting,” André said, gazing at the old slave’s erect penis.

“You want to try him?” Marcel offered.

Ever the perfect host, Marcel was.




Glad you liked it. This one was total improvisation (well, as much as I ca improvise a drawing), starting with the bear.


Excellent!!! Hot!