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Bill “Bowser” Johansson was used to touring the world on his own, on his motorbike. He looked like a rough and tough guy and people tended to avoid giving him trouble. Over the years, he had been in some real scraps, but he had always managed to find a way out. So he didn’t think twice about it when that old guy had offered him a drink. Bit of a change from the usual offer of tea that he got in North Africa, and the guy seemed to be on the level. Besides, what harm could possibly come from a scrawny little old guy?

So Bowser had shared a beer with the old guy, whose name was Ahmed, and then another one, just because it was so damn hot. And then he had begun to feel drowsy. Ahmed was talking to him in broken English, telling him about the sights to be seen in town. Not terribly interesting, really. And Bowser had fallen asleep.

When he woke up, Bowser felt at once that something was wrong. He was lying on the floor. Where was he? He couldn’t move his arms and legs. And he was naked. Then he felt himself moved on his side and saw Ahmed’s grinning face staring at him. He heard Ahmed talking to him in his broken English, explaining that he, Bowser, was just too fine a man, that he, Ahmed, just had to have him. And Bowser felt Ahmed pinching his nipples and handling his junk. Now, that sort of trouble he had never got into before!



Lanna Druzhetitch

Interesting twist. This guy looks the beefiest of all your captives so far. The suggestion of him being gagged and spanked just begs for a sequel.


It's nice to see that visual cues are not lost on some people. ;)


Mmm… Now that's also a possibility. :)