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Summary: A woman confesses her dark secret to her boyfriend: she is descended from a dragon, and in her blood there are dragonish desires – including the urge to hoard treasure. But since she fell for him, none of the gold and jewels in her secret lair can satisfy her. He is now the precious treasure that she longs to cherish, adore and protect.

To make up for the horror content from the day before T^T Please enjoy this!



As a fellow smith of arts, never apologize for creating what your mind dreams up. These are wonderful creations you’ve made for all of us to appreciate. Thankyou for your hard work!


This was a super cute and wholesome script. Very well written. But the fact that you were able to voice it with conviction is even more impressive. You just keep getting better Milky. Really good VA. I kept waiting for the Yandere to come out in the script just because it was you but I really enjoyed it

Mr. Caviar

This is one of my favorite scripts out there and you do it justice Milky, it's like you are constantly trying to push the limits of your ability and for that I respect you, also don't feel bad about the horror audio there's nothing wrong with trying something new do what YOU want and be proud of it 👍

Joshua Vazquez

I loved the Horror and now I listen to this the next day it’s truly a treat can’t wait to hear the next adventure!!! ☺️

Dank Skeleton

Keep up the grind dude. Really enjoying the variety in your content 👌


thank you so much! I feel unworthy of being lauded as a creator since I didnt write the script, just read it, but i feel a little better knowing people are really openminded of the content I upload 😍


hahaha! one of those will come up really really soon, I assure you, when I just blindside you with the yandere 🤣


aaahhh thank you Mr. Cavi 🥲 I can't say I was 100% happy with the end result, I wish I didnt feel so rushed! next time, i will try to take my time with future content 😍


I will let the script writer know there are people who would love a part 2, there is no greater compliment!

Dario Rekowski

Oh that's sounds nice, I cannot await to hear it.

paul foster

As a reader who enjoys mythical fantasy, as I listeneď to this audio it became obvious to me that with the level of for-thought & in depth structure that was shown with the conveying of the dragons culture (for example) I got to thinking that a book could be composed from this lot & so I've decide to make such a suggestion, you should consider it /honestly if you ever get asked or you find time, you could be on with summet, loving these Audios by the way, I'm proud to say I'm a contributor to your work.