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Summary: You probably should've googled this girl before you went on the date...

Something quite different from my usual fare...I think? With this particular audio, there is audio of bones...breaking. If you are squimish, I would advise you skip this one.

But I think it's shares a theme with this month's first bedtime story. I guess I'm just in a horror mood these days. (it has nothing to do with me streaming horror game play on YouTube, haha, ofc not, what would make you say that?)


Mr. Caviar

Ok yeah apologies Milky I think I'll pass on this one bones breaking is a rather uncomfortable thing to listen to and body horror is not my thing again apologies.


Wow... Yea thats definitely different from your normal ASMR haha. Your voice in this one stands out from the rest as well as you definitely took on a villain sound. Really impressive. Not really my thing but impressive none the less

Dank Skeleton

I like how experimental this channel is

Joshua Vazquez

I’m down I love the story the mystery the alien how different indeed is possible to get a series in this?