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Technically the idea I had of picking 5 or whatever the number of patrons each month for their requests doesn't sound exactly like a raffle to me, but more like turns.

Everyone would get their turn but in a gap of time.  🤔

(Thinking of a way to do this is getting complicated lol)



I was kinda think the same thing. It wouldn't count as a raffle.


How will 5$ sketch and 10$ color requests fit into this?


Well you're still selecting a few out of a month. Which means not everyone will get their requests. Which means it functions like a raffle where those who are lucky will get their requests for the month and the others will have paid for nothing. Unless you plan to do like 5 one month, 5 the next month... but once the new month rolls in those additional requests will add... and to me that sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Open requests every 3 months, first come first serve or do it in the order you feel more like it, everyone has one request each quarter of the year.


Maybe you should give a pause on charging until you do all your pending requests. It will also give time to think better how to deal with this situation. After that, I think you will need to remodelate your tiers and/or limit number of patrons for each tier...


Yeah this isn't looking pretty. There is a suggestion I could offer but you and others may not like it. One thing you can do is put a limiter on how many people can support the request tier. That way you will always get X amount of requests per month, and it is an amount you can handle.

Captain M

Oh so you just message us that our turn arrived and we tell you our requests?


It's what I was thinking. But on the other hand, the other patrons wouldn't get their complete monthly reward.

Cameron Murphy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-17 09:12:20 Looks
2020-02-22 03:18:01 Looks


Cameron Murphy (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-17 09:12:20 looks like you're in a bit of a pickle then, old chum
2020-02-22 03:18:16 looks like you're in a bit of a pickle then, old chum

looks like you're in a bit of a pickle then, old chum