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Info about the update (SPOILERS) & Walkthrough 

Download links:

Mac - PC&Linux - Android - Save_file 

Where to put the save file:

Mac - Users/Username/Library/RenPy/EarnYourFreedom

Win - C:/Documents and Settings/Username/Application Data/RenPy/EarnYourFreedom or

C:/Documents and Settings/Username/AppData/Roaming/RenPy/EarnYourFreedom (Win 10)

Please, don't use your old save files, as a lot of bugs can happen. Game code was changed quite a lot in this update, so you'll need to start a new game to play properly (or you can use the attached save file to start right before the clit size quest).

Please, enjoy the new update ;)



and where is that save? couse dont want to play it again :) MAC


The last download link "Save_file" :) https://mega.nz/file/cg5iiY7I#wiD6r-dXe2kIQvzuOkN2ItCmYNTcq2TQ-TozOVE023c


Not sure when exactly but I plan to add more as the updates get released