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"...in fluffiness and frills, to love in plushiness 'til death do us part."

This was drawn based on a suggestions from Marylou_76fr for the "Bridal Follow-Up" theme. This is a follow-up to Fluffy Frilly Plushies and I Wuv Miss Fluffy.




Very happy to see my suggestion drawn 🥰 So cute with this big frilly wedding dress 😘😊


I adore the Groom’s attire!!


When I proposed this theme, it was partly because I wanted to draw Miss Fluffy as a bride but I didn't have a specific scene in mind. Your suggestion of the wedding dance worked great!


Awww I love they they’re both happy!! 😊🤍🤍🤍🤍


I especially remembered that there was no wedding dance in your past illustrations and I got the idea ^^ The scene reminds me the end of the movie / cartoon "beauty and the beast" because the atmosphere is enchanting !! The plush bride must be very hot with all that thickness. I hope they thought to install fans or to celebrate the wedding in winter ;) The dress is probably a large size or very tight. The bride looks awesome and seems very happy!!! Your illustration brightened my day :) I love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I am happy and proud to have given the suggestions that made Miss Fluffy's following in the bedroom (in February 2022) and at her wedding :) Thank you very much ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Why is this actually so wholesome? She loves Ms Fluffy for more than just for only one time, it's so cute! Dov what's happening that all of your characters are getting happily married off so much recently??


Love miss fluffy’s figure in that corset!


Fluffy's such a lucky plushie bride, I'm super jealous!