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Vote for as many pin-up styles as you like. When the poll is done, I will take the top five winners and randomly select two to combine in a pin-up.



Crossing my fingers for frilly poodle!


I'll submit frilly superhero again next time. ;)


I couldn't allow superhero this time because, when I did the Cosplay Bride pin-up, I used Cosplay to mean Superhero so I have to count that as an off-limit synonym for now.


Why people vote secretary is beyond me. You’ve done so many secretary pieces of work it would be nice to see a different combo for a change 🤣


Most of the winning suggestions have been things that I have drawn before, which is inevitable after drawing nearly 400 works on Patreon alone. That's why I made this about combos - to give even the most cliched themes a new twist.