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I recently learned that Patreon has posted a new clarification to their mature content policy which is going to require some small changes.

The main point that they clarified centers around consent so, going forward, all sex acts must be consensual and it doesn't count as consensual if it is the result of blackmail, drugs, or hypnosis. They also said the same applies for anything which is "sexually gratifying" which seems like a vague description so I'm going to have to be more careful.

I think you could still use drugs or hypnosis but the character would have to consent to it beforehand. And, of course, I can draw anything with enthusiastic consent.

They also forbid any minor age-play that gets sexy.

I can understand those limitations, even if I feel that these hard lines fail to consider the subtle nuance which can change the meaning of these things in a different context.

But it's the term "sexually gratifying" that seems like it might suggest that even non-consensual forced crossdressing would be disallowed, even if no sexual acts are shown or implied. I don't know if that's what they mean but I'm going to be more careful about it going forward.

So that's going to be limiting going forward but I'm trying to see it as a challenge to explore some different ideas. And, even with clear consent, there is still room for reluctant agreement bets, deals, favors, etc. Or for things going unexpectedly wrong.


Jenny North

I totally agree that these restrictions have become too puritanical. But honestly, this might be more of a challenge for the writing/context than the artwork. As Dov points out, even a hypnosis bit is okay so long as it's noted as having consented beforehand. I mean, the only change for the Unpaid Museum Intern is that now maybe he has to get paid for the work he's volunteering to do. :) The trickiest bit would be someone who's genuinely tricked or forced, but even that can be explained away by being part of a bigger game. And just because someone consents to something doesn't mean they have to love the outcome. Like for instance, Dov's "Chart Swap Prank" where a guy wakes up in the hospital and is shocked that someone "pranked" him by having him get breast implants would seem to be totally out of bounds. But maybe the note is from a stripper named Bambi Bazooms, saying, "To my favorite customer, so excited you decided you decided to get boobs like mine! No regrets! XOXO" Lots of ways to play these as consensual without removing the fun...


Yes. I can still draw the same kind of bondage, wild outfits, sex acts, prosthetics, and even implants. I just have to limit the context in which they happen. And I will probably draw a lot more smiling faces.

Ole Faithful

That's a real shame. I know trying to move an audience is tough, but if there's another platform where you wouldn't be so restricted I would happily subscribe there. Thank you for all your art!

Hina Yui

The new rules are certainly very restrictive but I have no doubt that your unmatched creativity will rise out on top :D I would also love to see alt versions of the pics if you feel it matched the pic better on DA or another site like subcribestar as long as it's not too much work of course :) Something I will always love about your art is the ability you have to tell a whole story in a single pic and yet still allow people to come to their own ideas in how the scenario came to be :) So I have little doubt that an infinite amount of incredible pics are still to come :D For others that are worried about no embarrassing or humiliating scenarios at all there are still plenty of possibilities out there with just small tweaks like for example, say a guy becomes an extra girl for a hen night outing and does it because he owed the friend a favor and He's not happy about it but does it to pay off the debt willingly :) Or say a more trickier one like a guy is locked in a pretty sissy ensemble with him and maybe his partner frantically looking for a key they lost after a bedroom game went wrong :) The guy was consenting after all but still finds himself in an embarrassing situation regardless :) And I'm sure there are plenty of other even better scenario's out there just waiting to be thought of :D


Those are good examples. Even with the constraints, it's possible to find tasty twists to keep things interesting. In some ways, it can even make a story better because, let's be honest, blackmail can be well-written but it can also make it too easy to slip into lazy writing. Providing a plausible reason for why the MC is willing to be in a humiliating situation can make for a more intriguing character.


Have you considered moving to subscribestar? A lot of nsfw artists have been transitioning away from Patreon because of the new rules