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Up to and including LXXIV.

Had a very productive week, so you get 6 additional chapters this week. I can't say whether next week will be as productive or not, but since there's maybe only 10 chapters left of the story, it's quite possible I'll be able to knock them out super quick.




Holy Moly Quacamole, I paid the $10 to read ahead and now I'm sad to see another of Jakob's retinue leave/die/get damaged. Hopefully for once Jakob will manage to save his companion rather than leaving them to be apathetically sacrificed for his desire for knowledge like the rest. Though considering the trend, this hope is but a small glimmer. The millions of years it will take Jakob to reach his goal will assuredly continue to have many casualties. I wonder if the Sovereign will grow more or less estranged from Jakob and our normal human 21st century human sensibilities from that last experience.