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Let me start this off by apologizing for the radio silence. You all have been generous enough to provide me with financial support in hopes of allowing me to better produce content, but I have fallen far short of meeting my end of the deal. For that, I am sorry. But, this is not intended to be a eulogy! The channel is not dead yet. 

You might think the summer would lend me more time to make videos with school out, but in actuality the opposite was true. This summer was the perfect storm of lab work, an out-of-state internship, meeting with family, etc. In the end, you saw the result--one video in June and July combined. With the semester back in full force however, I plan on getting back in the saddle as I adjust to my new routine.

I recorded my next video yesterday (a combined Spring/Summer seasonal much different than my usual output in more ways than one) and will crack down on editing as soon as I finish this post. Beyond that, I already have a few scripts saved up in my backlog ready to go. I won't get into details about what they are since I don't know how/when I'll produce them--the point is more to assure you they are there.

I'm almost ready to announce my most ambitious project, but I won't reveal it just yet--not until it leaves the planning stages and I start writing it (hint: it involves Revolutionary Girl Utena). For now, I hope this reassures you that I'm not dead and will resume some semblance of a normal schedule. Again, I sincerely apologize for the lack of any word until now. It's inexcusable and won't happen again. I'll do my best to make it up to you all in the very near future. Until then, enjoy this nice Kumiko and thank you for sticking with me!

- Jack, Under The Scope


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