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Too short to be considered a "Short", but I thought it'd be fun to throw a little bite-sized animation at you all while I'm droughted on actually interesting stuff to share on the gamedev side. An actual proper short is in the works though don't you worry, hopefully should see it sometime next month but who knows? Not me!
As always feedback is super valuable, if you want to see more balloony inflation stuff like this from me positive feedback is the best way to get it, if you want to see LESS stuff like this from me please scream in my ear and call me names. I promise I won't do it again (lying)


(No title)


BoBo Sassy

You know the raccoon problem is outta hand when you gotta resort to measures like this. In all seriousness though, this is great! Love some inflation content, big time! Would love to see more from you!




She keeps stealing out of the dumpster in the back!! No matter how many times she inflates she keeps coming back!!

BoBo Sassy

Fat rascals become target practice for the inflat-o darts. That's just common sense business.


Pesky but cute!

ArtEnjoyer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-09 16:19:55 Love the shorter animations, they're neat
2023-04-09 16:19:55 Love the shorter animations, they're neat
2023-04-09 16:19:55 Love the shorter animations, they're neat
2023-04-09 16:19:55 Love the shorter animations, they're neat
2023-04-01 08:31:21 Love the shorter animations, they're neat

Love the shorter animations, they're neat