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Here is the survey mentioned in the V0.2.0 development plans post.  This survey will help me better know the type of characters and content most liked by players.




I'd just like to add, that it would be nice to see some character(s) of a more petite stature. I personally get tired of the excessive busty figures that are ever prevalent in adult games. I'm a slimmer man myself and like a slim woman. Just my two cents.


I definitely like the idea of the religious aspect, it would make sense if when they are fully corrupted if it inverts or perverts motivations pre-corruption. For example Misaki was very party focused and worried about the curse and corrupted seems primarily driven to recruit and corrupt more people into the Harem. Rina was trying to do everything to limit the damage to resistances in towns and post corruption could have content focused on eliminating or subverting rebels? Yukako obviously represented the faith and feeling abandoned by it would tie into a post corruption desire to corrupt the actual church/change to worship of the master. Leaves room to add systems with future characters you corrupt yet at the same time keep them very different in story/personality when corrupted.


I just love Misaki devotion to her Master, but i would like to see the human queen and her daughter being corrupted and maybe put her daughter beside the Master side like Misaki. With the same devotion as Misaki maybe more. Also i wanna add and im not lying, this game its one of my favourite corruption game. Simple, and very satisfying. I would like to see some merch or something like that