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Now that all reported bugs have been fixed in V0.1.9, and no further bugs have been reported, I can discuss my plans for v0.2.0.  V0.2.0 will be a bit different from other updates.  It will add in new content, but rather than advancing the plot, it will focus on expanding on what is already in the game, and adding in requested QoL changes when possible.  Advancements to the story, such as the next corruptible character hinted at in the end of V0.1.9's story content, will be saved for V0.2.1.

Content planned to be included in V0.2.0 include conversations between Misaki and her party during Misaki's corruption to add more depth to it, and show how her corruption affects how she interacts with her party.  Bedroom scenes and quests for Yukako and Rina, threesome scenes in the bedroom, the scene gallery room, and adding in dialogue for Yukako and Rina in story points where they could be corrupted, and present in said point in the story.  More changes similar to these will also be included.

If you have any suggestions for things you would like to see added or changed in the game up until and including V0.1.9's content such as QoL changes, castle customization options, balancing changes, additional content or scenes, leave them here, or in the discord.  I will be open to suggestions until November 26th, in order to give time for the public release of V0.1.9 to be played, and suggestions from tiers 1&2 players to give suggestions when it comes to V0.1.9's content.

Depending on the suggestions I get, there will likely be a few polls for suggestions to choose between conflicting suggestions, or suggestions I am unsure of being added in the game.  A survey for players for me to better understand the types of characters and scenes players like will also be released soon.  I will post it for tiers 3 & 4 patrons, and then make it public once V0.1.9 is public.

Also, optional animations for sex scenes might be added in to V0.2.0.  I am close to being able to get a computer capable of creating the animations for the scenes, and if I can manage to get one before V0.2.0's development ends, I'll begin adding in a few animations for scenes in it, and each update after it.  As I mentioned in the original post I made about animations for the game, making the animations, and getting them to loop properly is time consuming, and will only add development time for each update.  That being said, I will create a poll on how many animations I will add in each update and to determine how much more time between updates to make them is acceptable for patrons.

That's it for the development plans for V0.2.0.  I will begin making images for the update either tonight, or tomorrow.



i finished corrupting rina and when talking to her one of her text options is misspelled to say reent instead of recent

Davai Mochi

both the religion thing and the kingdom/empire management aspect are quite interesting and i hope theyre evolved further. however i must ask, why wasnt a naval invasion of the human kingdom considered? if we started building a fleet of relatively weak ships, but many, to transport troops and supplies early, we probably could take them by surprise, especially considering everyone there believes the dark lord is dead, and thus the fleet is probably demobilized. If we also reactivate teleportation it also means logistics would become a non-issue and we could just transport supplies anywhere teleportation is not blocked. Just saying, but maybe in the future you could implement a 2-pronged invasion of the human realm, one from the kingdom and one from the back near the coast to cut off all escape routes and completely destroy anyone there so as to not inform the leaders of whats happening


I'll add some lines in game to address this, but I'll answer this here too. A naval invasion isn't possible for a few reasons. The first, is lack of time and resources. Building an entire fleet from scratch will take time and resources that the MC just doesn't have. Not to mention, with Vlester being the only port available, the fleet would have to be built in a single port/dock, which limits the amount of ships that can be built. Expanding Vlester's docks, or building new ones on the coast will also take more time and resources. The more time taken on this, the more likely it is that word is able to get to Hypatia that something is going on in Zeretheon, and for someone to investigate, be it an official investigation or not. As for Hypatia's own fleet, there's still the demon queen to worry about, so they wouldn't cut back on their own fleet's activity too much even with the dark lord dead. For teleportation, the chamber will only be capable of breaking through the restrictions on teleportation up to the zerethin wall. Any further, and it would take more energy than the energy crystal given by the demon queen is capable of supporting. I'll go into a bit more detail when I add the lines in game for V0.2.0, but this is the brief explanation.