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"The Deluge": https://medium.com/@EdwardWaverley/the-deluge-f62968b20972 

"The Sublimity of Permanent Collapse": https://medium.com/@EdwardWaverley/the-sublimity-of-permanent-collapse-and-the-leibnizian-problem-of-monadic-optimization-inherent-in-70d6e8be095a 


Anything by Frederick Beiser

The Art of Memory by Frances A.Yates :


The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes:


Logic and the Art of Memory (The Quest for a Universal Language) by Paolo Rossi:


The Gallery of Memory: Literary and Iconographic Models in the Age of the Printing Press by Lina Bolzoni and Jeremy Parzen:


LibGen: https://libgen.is/ 




Wanted to chime in about teaching logic though... I did a bachelors in comp sci at UT Austin and what Kantbot is talking about sounds like Boolean logic and predicate calculus, which was a whole semester for us (in the philosophy department in fact)! This was our textbook. https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~rlc/lsr.htm


I recommend lots of uni students / young folks I interact with to subscribe and listen to y'all as an antidote against reactionary conspiracism. So I'm a bit embarrassed this week that you gave time to this guy. He's a self-proclaimed anti-feminist, TERF (oooh, a contradiction, #Irony!), "Stalinist", plays doxxing games, is well known and liked in Dark Enlightenment / NRx circles, and had this to say a few hours after the recent ATL killing spree... .https://twitter.com/KBULTRA0/status/1372565984696016904. .. I don't advocate for ideological purity or anything, but Kantbot just feels a bridge too far for me. Did he make interesting points? Did he highlight books I'd never read but want to now? Absolutely. But I don't trust this guy, and the dim YouTube hole I fell into trying to give him benefit of the doubt and learn more about him is exactly what I hope to prevent, both for myself and for folks I recommend this awesome podcast to. (To be clear, this is meant as respectful criticism, I <3 1nterdependence and am always looking forward to new eps! )